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我国创客教育的兴起为新课改背景下的教学模式创新提供了一条新路径。现代社会所倡导的创新意识、创造性思维及创新能力就是其核心理念,最终让每一个人的创意“照进”现实,其价值特征体现了以全人发展作为教育目标、以专业能力作为教育基础、以工匠精神作为教育核心、以协同环链作为教育关键。因此,在深入了解国内外“创客”教育发展现状以及对已有的相关创客平台进行数据分析后,以期从贯彻其理念及精神、提高语文教师发掘创客因素能力、强化语文创客通识教育和优化创客在线平台等这些方面为打造中国语文创客教育提出了相关建议,从而深化和指导具体教学、创新教学方式、改革教学模式。 The rise of maker-maker education in our country provides a new path for the innovation of teaching modes in the context of new curriculum reform. The innovative ideas, creative thinking and innovative abilities advocated by modern society are its core concepts. Ultimately, everyone’s creativity is “shined in.” The values ​​and characteristics reflect the goal of holistic development as an educational goal and professional competence as The basis of education, with craftsmanship as the core of education, and collaborative chain as the key to education. Therefore, after in-depth understanding of the status quo of domestic and international “maker” education and data analysis of the existing related maker platform, with a view to implementing its concept and spirit, Customer general education and optimization of online customer service platform and other aspects of the construction of Chinese language to create guest education put forward relevant recommendations, thus deepening and guiding specific teaching, innovative teaching methods, teaching reform.
【摘要】“腹有诗书气自华”,阅读对于塑造一个人的气质而言具有重要的作用。阅读是一个积累的过程,需要从孩童时期开始,没有足够的阅读积累就不能展现出脱俗的气质才华。高中语文课承担着培养学生读写能力的重要责任,其中读是前提和根本。近年来,阅读教学运用了对话精神,可以让教师、学生、文本、作者和编者主体间,利用言语作为中介进行对话交流,达到提高学生阅读水平的目的。  【关键词】对话精神;语文;阅读教学;实践