1997年,由国家计委、经贸委、电力部、农业部、财政部等8个部委组成的能源考察小组一行6人,在省、市有关部门的陪同下,来到江苏省通州市平东镇牛桥村,考察了村里的低压线路、修建的防渗漏水渠和推广使用节能灯的情况,称赞该村这些做法好。 建用电规范村 这几年,逐步富裕起来的牛桥村先后投入20多万元,将陈旧老化的低压线路全都进行了整改,新上了4台变压器,容量一下增长10倍多,达560kV·A。改造后的6500米400伏线路直通到12个村民组的360家农户,大大方便了村民脱粒和家庭工业的发展,线损下降了10.5个百分点。良好的用电环境激发了农民奔小康的积极性。如今,70%的村民搬进了小楼;50%的农户看上了有线电视;60%的农家装上了程控电话;家家有了动圈音响广播喇叭;户户用上了纯净的自来水;12条总长5350米的水泥路面铺到
In 1997, an energy inspection team consisting of eight ministries, including the State Development Planning Commission, the Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Power, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Finance, accompanied by provincial and municipal authorities, came to Pingdong, Tongzhou, Jiangsu Province. The town of Niuqiao Village inspected the village’s low-voltage lines, built leak-proof canals, and promoted the use of energy-saving lamps. He praised the village for its good practices. Build electricity use standard village In recent years, Niu Qicun, which gradually became rich, has invested more than 200,000 yuan, and all the old and aging low-voltage lines have been rectified, and 4 transformers have been newly added. The capacity has increased by more than 10 times, reaching 560kV. ·A. The 6,500-meter, 400-volt line after the transformation went straight to 360 farmers in 12 villagers’ groups, which greatly facilitated the development of threshing and home industries by the villagers. The line loss dropped by 10.5%. A good electricity environment has stimulated the enthusiasm of farmers for a well-off society. Today, 70% of the villagers have moved into small buildings; 50% of rural households have taken to cable television; 60% of farmers have programmed telephones; every household has a dynamic speaker; and households use pure tap water. 12 concrete pavements with a total length of 5350 meters