珍珠梅 (SorbariakirilowiiMximb .)属蔷薇科珍珠梅属多年生落叶灌木 ,广泛分布于华北、西北各地。青海地区主要生长在海拔高度 175 0~ 2 6 0 0m的阳坡灌丛。珍珠梅树型美观 ,花色素白 ,是庭园栽培观赏和城市绿化的优良花灌木。以往珍珠梅育苗繁殖一般
Pearl (SorbariakirilowiiMximb.) Rosaceae is a perennial deciduous shrub, widely distributed in North China and Northwest China. Qinghai mainly grows in the sunny slope of 175 0 ~ 2600 m above sea level. Pearl plum-type beautiful, white pigment, garden cultivation and ornamental city greening fine shrubs. Past plum seedling breeding in general