多年从事教学的同志常说:“讲课三点钟,备课数月功”。这话并不夸张。任何有经验的教师也难在毫无准备的情况下,讲出好效果的课来。对教师来说,勤奋学习和认真备课是不可分割的整体,只有教师勤于学习钻研,不断充实教学内容,才能从根本上提高教学质量,这是备好课不可缺少的前提。 “备课数月功”,究竟应在哪些地方
Comrades engaged in teaching for many years often said: “lecture three o’clock, preparing lessons for a few months.” This is not an exaggeration. It is hard for any experienced teacher to say good-byed lessons without being prepared. For teachers, diligent study and careful preparation of classes are an integral part of the whole. Only when teachers are diligent in studying and researching and constantly enriching their teaching contents can they fundamentally improve the quality of teaching. This is an indispensable prerequisite for preparing classes. “Months of lesson preparation”, exactly what place should be