匈牙利政府于本世纪70年代末期起为人民博览群书大开方便之门;广设书店书亭,举办书籍周(月) 的展销活动,大量出版各类书籍读物。据匈牙利有关部门统计,按万人平均的每年书籍出版量,匈牙利在东欧国家独占鳌头,在全世界占第六位。据联合国教科文组织的非正式统计,匈牙利翻译出版的外国书籍量,在全世界占第12位。每年春耕前二月,都要举行农业书籍月。政治、法
The Hungarian government opened the door for the people’s reading group books in the late 1970s. It has also set up bookstores and bookstores to hold book week (month) exhibitions and publish a large number of books and books. According to statistics from Hungarian authorities, according to the average number of books published by tens of thousands of people each year, Hungary ranks the first in the Eastern European countries and ranks sixth in the world. According to UNESCO’s informal statistics, the volume of foreign books translated and published by Hungary ranks 12th in the world. Each spring before February, must hold agricultural books month. Politics, law