Hemorheology is a new science that studies changes in blood flow, coagulation properties, and blood components. Our hospital since 1972, the application of intravenous Salvia miltiorrhiza, the treatment of cerebrovascular disease to obtain more satisfactory results. In this paper, 143 cases of patients with cerebrovascular disease before and after treatment of hemorheology related to four tests to prove the value of clinical applications. General information This group are hospitalized cases, 101 males; 42 females. Age 31 years old to 75 years old, 41 to 60 years old for a total of 85 cases, accounting for 59.4%, 70 years of age are more rare. Salvia before and after treatment of four indicators of blood rheology (whole blood viscosity, whole blood viscosity reduction, hematocrit, erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Results