摘要:目的 改进中药饮片质量管理方法,保证医疗安全有效。方法 对2017年我院中药房中药饮片退货记录出现的56次退货记录进行回顾性分析。结果 56次中药饮片退货记录中,因销量减少而退货的有38次,占67.9%。走油12次,占21.4%。发霉3次,5.4%。杂质多1次,占1.8%。生虫1次,占1.8%。受潮1次,占1.8% 。结果 中药饮片质量管理中存在的主要问题包括:采购计划不符合临床需要,中药饮片储存条件不够完善,无相应的仪器设备检验药品质量,仅凭肉眼进行饮片的外观性状验收,小包装中药饮片无法验收到最小包装等。结论 中药饮片质量直接关系到医疗安全有效,与患者的生命安全、健康息息相关,亦关系到医院的声誉,对中药饮片的质量管理必须高度重视,对现有的管理方式加以改进,保证患者用到优质合格的中药饮片。现报道如下:
【中图分类号】R574 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2107-2306(2018)06-128-02
Abstract: objective to improve the quality management of traditional Chinese medicine decoction slices and ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical treatment. Methods retrospective analysis was performed on 56 returns of Chinese medicine decoction slices in Chinese medicine pharmacy of our hospital in 2017. Results 38 out of 56 returned Chinese herbal slices were returned as a result of reduced sales, accounting for 67.9%. Take oil 12 times, accounting for 21.4 percent. Moldy 3 times, 5.4%. The impurity was once more, accounting for 1.8%. Live insect once, accounted for 1.8%. 1 time of damp ingress, accounting for 1.8%. Results the main problems in the quality management of Chinese herbal slices include: the purchase plan does not meet the clinical needs, the storage condition of Chinese herbal slices is not perfect, there is no corresponding instrument and equipment to check the quality of drugs, the visual appearance of the slices is checked only by the naked eye, small packages of Chinese herbal slices can not be checked to the minimum packaging and so on. Conclusion the quality of TCM decoction slices is directly related to the safety and effectiveness of medical treatment, is closely related to the life safety and health of patients, and is also related to the reputation of the hospital. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the quality management of TCM decoction slices, and the existing management methods should be improved to ensure that patients use quality and qualified TCM decoction slices. The report is as follows.
Key words: Chinese herbal slices; quality management; reason analysis; improvement measures
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
3 讨论
3.1销量减少在退货原因中所占比例为 67.9% 原因如下:每个医师都有自己的用药偏好,因中医科医师调整的原因,导致某些药品用量明显减少。某些药品的用量有明显的季节性,如藿香、佩兰等药物夏季比较多用。
3.2饮片变质在退货原因中所占比例为 32.1%。饮片出现走油、发霉、生虫等变质现象与饮片的储存环境、温湿度、日光、空气、微生物等有关,与饮片本身的性质有关,如刺猬皮、乌梢蛇等动物类中药富含脂肪、蛋白质,瓜蒌仁、火麻仁按照炮制规范必须打碎,种子类中药含有油脂,与日光、空气等接触,极易发生走油、生虫现象。
5 总结
【中图分类号】R574 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2107-2306(2018)06-128-02
Abstract: objective to improve the quality management of traditional Chinese medicine decoction slices and ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical treatment. Methods retrospective analysis was performed on 56 returns of Chinese medicine decoction slices in Chinese medicine pharmacy of our hospital in 2017. Results 38 out of 56 returned Chinese herbal slices were returned as a result of reduced sales, accounting for 67.9%. Take oil 12 times, accounting for 21.4 percent. Moldy 3 times, 5.4%. The impurity was once more, accounting for 1.8%. Live insect once, accounted for 1.8%. 1 time of damp ingress, accounting for 1.8%. Results the main problems in the quality management of Chinese herbal slices include: the purchase plan does not meet the clinical needs, the storage condition of Chinese herbal slices is not perfect, there is no corresponding instrument and equipment to check the quality of drugs, the visual appearance of the slices is checked only by the naked eye, small packages of Chinese herbal slices can not be checked to the minimum packaging and so on. Conclusion the quality of TCM decoction slices is directly related to the safety and effectiveness of medical treatment, is closely related to the life safety and health of patients, and is also related to the reputation of the hospital. Therefore, great attention should be paid to the quality management of TCM decoction slices, and the existing management methods should be improved to ensure that patients use quality and qualified TCM decoction slices. The report is as follows.
Key words: Chinese herbal slices; quality management; reason analysis; improvement measures
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
3 讨论
3.1销量减少在退货原因中所占比例为 67.9% 原因如下:每个医师都有自己的用药偏好,因中医科医师调整的原因,导致某些药品用量明显减少。某些药品的用量有明显的季节性,如藿香、佩兰等药物夏季比较多用。
3.2饮片变质在退货原因中所占比例为 32.1%。饮片出现走油、发霉、生虫等变质现象与饮片的储存环境、温湿度、日光、空气、微生物等有关,与饮片本身的性质有关,如刺猬皮、乌梢蛇等动物类中药富含脂肪、蛋白质,瓜蒌仁、火麻仁按照炮制规范必须打碎,种子类中药含有油脂,与日光、空气等接触,极易发生走油、生虫现象。
5 总结