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目的探讨对于骨性关节炎合并半月板移位的患者使用增强MRI进行检测的临床检测意义。方法选取我院运动医学科于2016年1月~2017年1月之间收治的100名骨性关节炎实施手术治疗患者的MRI资料与我院体检中心于2016年1月~2017年1月之间收治的100名健康人群患者的MRI资料进行对比,对两组患者半月板移位和关节损伤程度进行记录,随后使用SPSS20.0软件进行统计学分析,当结果显示为P<0.05时则认为数据之间的差异具有统计学意义。结果 MRI在健康人群中骨性关节炎诊断阳性7人,阴性93人;MRI在骨性关节炎合并半月板移位患者中骨性关节炎诊断阳性86人,阴性14人。MRI在健康人群中半月板移位诊断阳性3人,阴性97人;MRI在骨性关节炎合并半月板移位患者中半月板移位诊断阳性91人,阴性9人。增强MRI检测对于骨性关节炎合并半月板移位患者的灵敏度与特异性符合临床需求。结论增强MRI诊断技术在临床上能够有效筛选骨性关节炎合并半月板移位的患者。 Objective To explore the clinical significance of enhanced MRI in patients with osteoarthritis complicated with meniscus transposition. Methods The MRI data of 100 patients with osteoarthritis who underwent surgical treatment from January 2016 to January 2017 in our hospital from January 2016 to January 2017 were compared with the MRI data of our hospital physical examination center from January 2016 to January 2017 MRI data of 100 healthy subjects were compared between the two groups of patients with meniscal displacement and joint damage were recorded, and then use the SPSS20.0 software for statistical analysis, when the results showed that P <0.05 is considered The difference between the data was statistically significant. Results The MRI diagnosis of osteoarthritis in healthy people was positive in 7 and negative in 93. Osteoarthritis was diagnosed by MRI in 14 patients with osteoarthritis combined with meniscal displacement. MRI in the healthy population, meniscus shift in the diagnosis of positive 3, negative 97; MRI in patients with osteoarthritis and meniscus shift in the diagnosis of positive meniscus 91, 9 negative. Enhanced MRI testing for the sensitivity and specificity of patients with osteoarthritis combined with meniscal shift in line with clinical needs. Conclusion Enhanced MRI diagnosis technique can effectively screen the patients with osteoarthritis and meniscal shift.
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论文题目 研究生姓名 导师姓名1987 $钎杆疲劳控制与钎钢选材 刁 顺 黄作宾教授金刚石孕镶钻头胎体机械性能的测试 张翼高 黄作宾教授与研究1988 $回转钻进计
各位代表、各位理事: 中国建筑学会第七届理事会从1987年12月成立以来,已经整四年了。按照学会章程,经过多次酝酿,在本次大会上,将正式成立第八届理事会,并产生新的常务理事