Star Shinichi, the founder of Japanese short stories, is also a famous science fiction writer who made pioneering contributions to Japanese sci-fi literature. In 1926, Sing Sing was born in Bunkyo, Tokyo. His childhood, adolescence and even the early youth, are spent at grandfather’s house. Dr. Kim Jong-unjin, a grandfather, was a prestigious anatomical and anthropological expert at that time. His great-grandmother Kakuei Kumie was a sister of Moriou, a famous Japanese writer in modern times, and a poet of poets with profound literary accomplishments. Under the knees of two old men, Star New Life made a double love for science and literature and formed a character that is easy to be fantastical and contemplative. In particular, Japanese, Chinese classical literature and chanting poem sung by grandmothers every night left an indelible mark in his heart. In 1948 he graduated from Agronomy Chemistry Department of Agronomy, University of Tokyo, and then worked in microbiology research at the graduate school of the University. The remnants of the war