149煤田地质勘探队905钻机机长、党支部书记高永建,热爱煤田勘探事业,带头实干,多次被评为先进生产者、劳动模范,所在党支部连年被评为先进党支部。刘益民摄一陇南公路总段盐关分段党支部书记张吉成坚持做深入细致的思想政治工作,被总段评为优秀政工干部,所在分段党支部被评为优秀党支部。图为张吉成(左一)深入道班和工人谈心。雷雨田 摄
149 Coalfield Geological Exploration Team 905 drilling machine captain, party secretary Gao Yongjian love coal exploration business, take the lead in hard work, repeatedly been rated as advanced producers, model workers, where the party branches year after year was rated as advanced party branch. Liu Yimin photo taken Longnan Highway General section of salt off the branch Party Secretary Zhang Jicheng adhere to do in-depth and meticulous ideological and political work, the total was rated as outstanding political cadres, the subdivision of the branch was rated as excellent branch. The picture shows Zhang Jicheng (first left) in-depth road classes and workers talk. Thunder rain field photo