业主:加利福尼亚圣哈辛托动物收容所建筑设计师:Gary Leivers(美国建筑师学会和英国皇家建筑师学会双证书建筑师,美国LEED论证专家)、Harley Ellis Dev ereux建筑公司混凝土砌块供应商:美国老城堡集团下属的特伦威思工业公司圣哈辛托动物收容所是加利福尼亚州河滨县兽医医疗援助机构下属的一家公益机构,它位于一个正在迅速从农业向住宅社区演变的区域内,圣哈辛托动
Owner: San Jacinto Animal Shelter, Calif. Architect: Gary Leivers (Double Acting Architect, Royal Institute of Architects, US LEED Arguing Expert), Harley Ellis Dev ereux Construction Company Concrete Block Suppliers: Troy Sachs Animal Hospice, a division of the Old Citadel of the United States, is a charity under the Veterinary Medical Assistance Agency in Riverside, California, located in an area that is rapidly evolving from agriculture to residential communities, San Jacinto move