本文在假定“非典”为甲类传染病的前提下 ,详细讨论了依法适用隔离措施问题。作者首先讨论了隔离的法定概念 ,认为隔离措施具有治疗疾病的医学属性和强制执行的法律属性 ,接受隔离措施是应被隔离者的法定义务。隔离措施由医疗保健机构和卫生防疫机构具体实施 ,但因隔离而引起的法律后果应由卫生行政部门承担。隔离对象包括且仅包括“非典”病人、疑似“非典”病人及其密切接触者 3类 ,现有法律对隔离对象尤其是密切接触者有明确的判定标准 ,不得任意扩大其范围。强制隔离决定应由卫生行政机关做出 ,公安机关予以行政协助 ,如被隔离者提起行政复议或行政诉讼 ,应以卫生行政机关为被申请人或被告。法律应当赋予被隔离者寻求法律救济的权利 ,以保护公民的合法权益。最后 ,作者还对如何完善相关立法提出了自己的建议
Based on the assumption that SARS is a type A contagion, this article discusses in detail the issue of applying quarantine measures according to law. The author first discusses the legal concept of isolation, considers that the isolation has the medical attribute of treatment and the legal attribute of enforcement, and the acceptance of quarantine is the statutory obligation of the quarantine. The quarantine measures shall be implemented by the health care institutions and the health and epidemic prevention agencies. However, the legal consequences arising from quarantine shall be borne by the health administrative departments. The object of isolation includes only 3 SARS patients, 3 suspected SARS patients and their close contacts, and existing laws clearly define the object of isolation, especially close contacts, and may not arbitrarily broaden their scope. The mandatory isolation decision shall be made by the health administrative organ and the public security organ shall provide administrative assistance. If the separators file an administrative reconsideration or administrative lawsuit, the health administrative organ shall be the respondent or the defendant. The law should give the quarantine the right to seek legal remedies in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Finally, the author also put forward his own proposal on how to improve the relevant legislation