Lori Hoinkes出任Fresh Montgomery展览公司董事总经理

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  3月中旬,英国蒙哥马利集团子公司Fresh Montgomery宣布任命Lori Hoinkes为董事总经理。Lori Hoinkes在食品行业拥有丰富的经验,在数家蓝筹股公司工作过,并曾成立过自己的技术公司。2017年预计将成为Fresh Montgomery公司振奋人心的一年。Lori正是在此时加入了公司。
  蒙哥马利集团董事总经理Damion Angus表示,“Lori 在多个行业领域都有非常成功的履历。我们非常期待与她一起共同设定公司的未来发展方向,保持公司的快速发展势头,并坚守提供卓越客户服务与诚实守信的商业原则。”Lori Hoinkes将于4月18日履任。
  Lori Hoinkes appointed MD at Fresh Montgomery
  In March, Fresh Montgomery announced the appointment of Lori Hoinkes as Managing Director. Lori has had extensive experience in the food sector and joins the business at an exciting time.
  Commenting on the appointment Group Managing Director, Damion Angus said: “Lori has a history of success in a number of business areas. We are looking forward to working with her to set the future direction of the business. Fresh has been growing rapidly and we want to maintain or accelerate that momentum without losing the principles of great customer service and integrity which we hold dear.”Lori will start her new role on 18th April.
  Pollution and waste technology tradeshow comes to South Africa
  Addressing the growing public and private sector focus on pollution and waste technology, Reed Exhibitions brings Pollution and Waste Technology Africa to Johannesburg, South Africa. The event will be co-located with the Africa Automation Fair at the Ticketpro Dome June 6 to 8, 2017, and will showcase world-class technologies, strategies and solutions for managing pollution and waste.
  3月,德班会议中心获得了OHSAS 18001认证。会议中心首席执行官Lindiwe Rakharebe表示,“这个证书显示了德班会议中心致力于推动职业安全与卫生的决心。”
  Durban ICC Health and Safety Certification
  The Durban International Convention Centre (Durban ICC) has achieved its OHSAS 18001 certification. "The certification affirms the Durban ICC’s commitment to occupational health and safety," says Lindiwe Rakharebe, Chief Executive Officer. "The Centre has already successfully received its ISO9001 Quality Management, ISO22000 Food Safety and ISO14001 Environmental Sustainability certifications, making it the only convention centre in Africa to hold all four of these certifications."
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2月21-22日,2017年UFI可持续发展教育论坛在新加坡滨海湾金沙举办。作为新加坡首屈一指的会奖目的地和可持续发展方面的佼佼者,滨海湾金沙出色地完成了本次会议的承办工作。会议期间,本刊记者就活动承办、目的地营销、未来会展业发展趋势等话题专访了滨海湾金沙销售部副总裁李迈可先生。  一站式会展活动场馆  在新加坡这个会展业发达、会议配套设施成熟的城市,滨海湾金沙绝不仅仅只是“又一个会展场馆”。自2