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  Witness Kobe Bryant gather the ball in the low post, draw defenders to him, head fake, do a 360-spin, pretend that he’s dishing the ball to a cutter and then lean back for a wide-open jumper.
  See LeBron James use less of his tight end-like muscles and more of his ballet-step agility to dip and spin, make like he’s going left toward the baseline and then come back right for an up-and-under move that puts him at the edge of the rim for a layup or dunk.
  Observe how Dwight Howard takes the ball on the left side of the lane, moves and dribbles into the paint, uses a deke here and feint there and lifts off his left pivot foot to drop in a soft, unobstructed jump hook.
  Watch their feet, look at their free-flowing, improvisational style and see the hand -- if not the ghost -- of Hakeem Olajuwon in those moves.
  At 49 and now 10 years removed from playing his last NBA game, Olajuwon has become basketball’s ③Yoda, the wizened warrior who dispenses on-court acumen to a line of present-day stars and journeyman.
  "No secrets," Olajuwon says with a laugh,"just footwork."
  The late Pete Newell, legendary for teaching the fundamentals of the game, once described Olajuwon’s moves as: "The best footwork I have ever seen from a big man."
  After beginning with a few private tutoring sessions for then-Bobcats rookie center Emeka Okafor in the summer of 2005, Olajuwon’s tutorials have expanded to include forwards and guards. In recent offseasons, a diverse list that includes Bryant, Howard, James, Rashard Lewis, Josh Smith, Marcin Gortat, Garret Siler, DeSagana Diop, D.J. Mbenga and Luol Deng have traveled to Houston to attend the socalled "Dream School."
  He lives primarily in Amman, Jordan, with his family, but returns frequently to Houston to tend to business interests and extend a hand to the NBA’s next generation. He doesn’t charge for his time and he sends each of his pupils home with video of their sessions.
  "I was a little bit surprised at how much I liked it at first," Olajuwon said. "I have never had any real interest in a becoming a traditional coach with the travel and the clipboard and being tied to a schedule. But I figured if these players wanted to come to me and I could pass a few things along, then everyone benefits. What interests me is showing some of today’s players how they can take their game to a higher level.
  "Their recognizing the importance of the post moves, that’s a huge compliment for me. And I know also that I can add value to players’ careers. There is no question about that."
  Olajuwon explains that there was nothing raw and intrinsic about the style of play that enabled him to build an 18-year, Hall of Fame NBA career. It was the footwork that he developed from playing soccer and team handball as a young athlete in Nigeria that helped lay the groundwork for an array of basketball moves that opened up on-court options.
  Olajuwon still has the moves, the polish, a satin feel to his game. His body is still lean and taut, his large brown eyes still filled with confidence. The only traces of age are those few gray strands in his closely-cropped hair.
  He is diligent, meticulous and patient in his lessons, starting with basic moves in the paint and adding options that are often subtle but devastatingly effective. Seeing the moves executed slowly, broken down, is realizing how numerous and complex they are.
  When Olajuwon demonstrates -- whirling, spinning, dipping, twirling with the ball -- his pupils kick into overdrive trying to comprehend. They want to make connections from A to B to C to D. But he wants them to get from A to B and then consider an infinite world of possibilities. Olajuwon’s game en route to winning two NBA titles, an MVP award, five first-team All-NBA honors and a dozen All-Star nods was always more reactive to the defense.
  "Don’t try to go through," Olajuwon said."Find a way around. It’s easier."
  It’s the light to the unobstructed path that All-Stars such as Bryant, Howard and James have sought from him. Bryant traveled to Houston in 2009, Howard in 2010 and 2011 and James in 2011 after this Miami Heat lost in The Finals.
  "When you want to learn about footwork and about post moves, you go to the King," Bryant said, "and that’s Hakeem. I was ecstatic to work with him. I was like a kid learning something new. It’s like opening up that Christmas gift. You know what’s in it and it’s the excitement of opening it. That’s the feeling I had."
  "I was shocked when I got an e-mail from him," Olajuwon said. "At first I thought he was kidding. I mean, Kobe had all the moves already. What did he have to learn?"
  Bryant wanted to glean some of Olajuwon’s post and mid-post moves to allow him to get free for easier face-up baskets and score more efficiently, the way Michael Jordan did in the latter portion of his career.
  "Kobe had the natural instincts. He already knew mostly what he had to do. He just wanted some added tips about how to clear that space in traffic, in the area close to the basket. If you watch Kobe, you see him do it all. He has fantastic post moves."
  After eight seasons of thriving on bullrushes to the hoop and pulling up for long jumpers, what James wanted was to find a middle ground in a mid-range game.
  "I know what Hakeem was able to do in his career," James said. "He was an MVP . He won championships and he did it by dominating in the low post. I just want to see and work on some of the areas where I could get better and hammer it home."
  While his scoring average has ticked up this season, James’ 3-point shot attempts are down dramatically. He’s operating closer to the basket.

  "I can see some of the things we worked on in LeBron’s game this season," Olajuwon said. "When he came, I said to him, ’What are you trying to accomplish?’ He told me that he has been playing outside and he really wanted to establish his post moves.
  "But it isn’t just about the post move. It is inside-outside, because almost every night he has an advantage over the guy who is guarding him. So it was about how to turn the outside game into an inside game using all of the same skills and strength. When I see how he is separating from his guy now, I see easier shots. I see a game all over the floor that is very, very difficult to stop."
  Olajuwon says Howard’s quickness and leaping ability, not his size, should give him an advantage on his opponents.
  "I started with Dwight’s feet and tried to build everything from there," Olajuwon said."The first fake is to clear space. The second fake -- a head-pump maybe -- is to get the defender off his feet.
  "On TV I see opportunities for him that he is not taking. He still tries to go through and not around."
  The image to envision is water running down a rocky hillside -- seeking a path to simply flow.
  "Dwight needs to do more work, much more," Olajuwon said. "I watch him and I don’t see much of what we worked on. I think he has been distracted all season with all of the contract talk. Now that it is behind him for now, maybe he can go back to work."
  Or back to Dream School and the Hall of Fame teacher.



22 泰·吉布森  Taj Gibson  球队:芝加哥公牛  位置:前锋  生日:1985.06.24  身高:2.06M  体重:102KG  学校:南加利福尼亚大学  球龄:02    当人们在谈论泰·吉布森时,所说的话几乎不外乎他的爆发力,他的防守,他给公牛板凳席,乃至整支球队所带来的能量。人们会绘声绘色的谈论他在韦德头顶的扣篮,将科比的投篮送上看台,抑或从康利的手中断球然后一条龙纵贯全场
马克思·凯勒曼和马塞洛斯·怀利的午间秀“The Max & Marcellus Show”可不是一般的广播节目,这是一档让其他所有的电台主持人都不得不点头佩服的,极具个性意见和幽默的脱口秀。马克思是拳击解说员,也是洛杉矶地区的名牌广播主持人。而马塞洛斯则是当年NFL圣迭戈闪电队的防守组明星。这两个人的组合是洛杉矶地区收听率最高的广播节目,而科比·布莱恩特一般是不太愿意接受广播电台的采访的,因为大家
泰勒·曼的存在感一直很强,首先,正如他本人欣然承认的那样,他长得又高又胖;其次,来时代华纳有线球馆看山猫对阵灰熊这场比赛的人实在寥寥无几;最后,泰勒穿着一条蓝、橙条纹的大号连身裤,哪怕把双方球员算在内,他也是球馆里最吸引眼球的家伙。  “山猫狂人”是这支NBA战绩最差球队唯一的官方球迷组织,而泰勒正是这个组织的勇敢领导者。以充气棒为矛,无敌厚脸皮为盾,“山猫狂人”在他们位于篮筐后的专区坚守了31个
会信任一个抽风型的球员吗?一个遵循不同的,甚至是不存在的道德标准行事的人。  那些和我一样对篮球持纯粹主义观点的人很难接受这样的人,我们认同一些高尚的法则,诸如“优质的投篮选择”、“视防守随机应变”,还有“永不满足”。正是这些法则堆砌而成的篮球认知才让《球场雄心》①这样的电影成为经典,让马刺这种球队长盛不衰。  然而,快艇“摇摆人”尼克·扬绝不遵循这部法典,一旦手中有球,他不会按照教练、球迷和分析
现在,NBA联盟有个无法回避的现实情况:一个月之前的比赛还非常精彩;而临近季后赛名额确立时的争夺更是荡气回肠。但是,当一切尘埃落定之后,最后这一个月的常规赛简直是不堪入目。  四月萎靡中的篮球赛,总的形容起来就是,恐怖。而且这也是这个联盟在现今这种大环境下最亟待解决的一个问题。这段时间,大家都不自然地为了即将到来的季后赛而分心,许多球队已经不再关心自己能否赢下比赛了,更有甚者,甚至有了“争输”的嫌
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朱彦西 Zhu Yanxi  1990.05.25/2.08米/110公斤/大前锋  场数 得分 篮板 封盖 助攻 抢断  44 536 237 23 24 34  生于重庆的他初中就读于重庆一中,2005年初二寒假赴八一试训,终因没有名额未能留下。在转而试训北京后,被孙宝强看中。在青年队期间,成熟稳重的他很快成为队长,2007年入选国青。2010-11赛季,他被租借至江苏同曦,该
“2012姚基金希望小学篮球季”正式启动  北京时间2012年4月19日,姚明爱心基金(以下简称姚基金)正式宣布启动“2012姚基金希望小学篮球季”。作为首个在希望小学中开展的大型篮球及体育启蒙赛事,该活动旨在让希望小学的学生们有机会了解篮球、感受体育精神,让贫困地区的孩子享受体育运动的快乐,帮助他们身心发展,健康成长。  启动仪式上,姚明表示:“我爱篮球,受益于篮球,也希望通过篮球帮助那些可爱的