每当社会前进一步向更高文明发展时,都会伴随对传统社会的哲学反思。人们通过反思,一方面找出蕴藏在历史事实中尚未发现的思想“活力”,另一方面,在思想中把握时代变化脉膊的理论形式。反思,既要批判,又要创新;既要继承,又要发展。要创新、发展就必须批判地超越现实,激活传统,继往开来。 20世纪韩国的风云人物、伟大的爱国主义者、大韩民国开国元勋金九先生曾在其自传《白凡逸志》中进行过认真的哲学反思。书中最后一篇“我的
Whenever society advances further toward higher civilization, it is accompanied by a philosophical reflection on traditional society. Through reflection, people find out on the one hand the “vitality” of ideas that has not yet been found in historical facts, and on the other hand grasp the theoretical form of the pulse of the times in their thinking. Reflections, we must critique, but also innovation; it is necessary to inherit, but also development. To innovate and develop, we must surpass the reality critically, activate the tradition and carry forward the future. In the 20th century, a man of great kin in South Korea, a great patriot and founding father of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Kim Jiu conducted a serious philosophical reflection in his autobiography “Bai Fan Yi Zhi”. The last one in the book, "My