【摘 要】
Athena,she is also called she Pallas Athena,the daughter of Zeus and Metis,and one of the Dodekatheon.She is in charge of intelligence,war,agriculture,the dark
Athena,she is also called she Pallas Athena,the daughter of Zeus and Metis,and one of the Dodekatheon.She is in charge of intelligence,war,agriculture,the dark clouds,the power of thunder and lightning,horticulture,graziery,and law.Empyrean Fairy,she is a blue bird of Xiwangmu,and she is the teacher of Huangdi.Athena is the western goddess of war and Empyrean Fairy is the Orient’s.This paper contracts these two goddesses.
Athena, she is also called she Pallas Athena, the daughter of Zeus and Metis, and one of the Dodekatheon .he is in charge of intelligence, war, agriculture, the dark clouds, the power of thunder and lightning, horticulture, graziery, and law.Empyrean Fairy, she is a blue bird of Xiwangmu, and she is the teacher of Huangdi. Athena is the western goddess of war and Empyrean Fairy is the Orient’s.This paper contracts these two goddesses.
【摘要】英语原声影视作品故事情节丰富,口语表达地道,通过对英语原声影视剧的观看不仅可以学到英语语言知识更能感受到深厚的文化底蕴。本文从英语原声影视剧的特点、大学生英语学习现状、原声影视剧对英语学习的意义这三个方面探讨了英语原声影视作品对英语学习的影响。同时就大学生如何正确利用英语原声影视剧促进英语学习提出了一些方法和建议。 【关键词】英语原声影视剧 英语学习 影响 建议 一、引言 有调查显示
David Henry Hwang’s play M.Butterfly is the subversion to the opera Madame Butterfly.This paper aims to analyze Hwang’s deconstruction of Orientalism in M.But
【摘要】教学反思是初任教师迅速成长的有效途径之一,但是在实践中由于初任教师理论修养不足,教学反思意识缺乏,教学反思方法欠缺,学校还未形成良好的教学反思氛围以及仍在沿用传统的评价体系等因素,导致初任教师教学反思能力缺乏。 【关键词】初任教师 教学反思能力 制约因素 一、相关概念 1.教学反思。教学反思是指教师以先进的教学理念和丰富的理论知识为基础,立足于教学实践,以提高教学效果和教学质量为目的
Classroom teaching is the main way to learn English and English teachers are shouldering the key factors to help the students lay a solid foundation for their f
【摘要】随着信息技术的发展,更多的网络信息模式被应用在课堂教学中,基于微课的“翻转课堂”模式在教学中的应用受到了学生及教师的欢迎。本文通过对大学英语教学现状进行分析,对“翻转课堂”的教学特征进行总结,从教师与学生两方面内容对微课“翻转课堂”模式在大学英语教学中应用的可行性进行阐述。 【关键词】微课 翻转课堂 大学英语 前言 随着我国改革开放的深入发展以及与国际经济合作的增多,企业对毕业生英语
【摘要】皮卡车在中、美两国有着截然不同的地位:一个备受歧视,处境尴尬,一个广受喜爱,独领风骚。皮卡迥异的处境折射出两个国家不同的国情、认知习惯和生活方式。从社会学角度解读这一差异,人们就会对此有更理性、深刻的反思,也会从中得到有益的启示。 【关键词】皮卡 社会学 交通环境 认知 实用性 一、问题的提出 皮卡车在中、美两国有着截然不同的地位,受欢迎的程度也存在天壤之别。这种差异单从两国皮卡的年
The aim of this paper was to explore individual difference in English learning by using positive psychology at the class. And discuss approaches which can help