The Application of Emotion Teaching in Senior High School Introduction

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  In the new century,human society comes into the knowledge economy age that takes high technology as guidance.More attention to the traditional teaching theories of cognition,one-sided understanding of the means of acquiring knowledge exists largely in educational field,which ignores the psychological development of the learners,and exaggerates the role of cognitive science.Therefore learner essentially negates the overall mental development.
  The foreign language teaching attaches great importance to the feeling during the last 20 years,especially from 1960s,emotional teaching has influenced on school modern teaching theory and emotional teaching become integral part of the promotion of quality education today,so English teaching in middle school should become emotional areas of research.
  Part one.Roles of Emotion in Teaching
  From the internal roles of emotional development,teaching has two aspects:First is the task of imparting knowledge,skills training,and the development of intelligence,and this is a hard task.Second is the task of training students in a good emotional factor.And this is indispensable with the first one.Memory,thinking and the mood of emotional factors involved in the whole process of teaching also have a direct influence on the efficiency of teaching foreign language.
  Ⅰ.Influence on Memory
  Memory is much more strongly determined by internal factors,such as how people think about information and whether they related it to exiting knowledge,than by external factors,such as how the information is displayed.So the emotional state is closely related to the memory.According to an investigation,ninety-three percent of students said that learning enthusiasm can help them understand quickly and remember solidly.Teacher should suggest students make full use of emotion to memorize more knowledge.
  Ⅱ.Influence on Thinking
  Thinking is defined as the manipulation of mental representation.Thinking is a mental activity.It is based on perception,concept and image processing information.Thinking can help students understand the new information,analyze and solve problems.Analyzing and resolving problems are complicated process,so emotion influences on thinking process is very obvious.
  In classroom teaching,there are not only knowledge and information exchange but also some emotional exchange between teachers and students.Therefore,teachers should arouse students’ emotions to make them active,share the feelings of teaching and learning of their own with students to impel them to fulfill their learning tasks.   Part Two.Techniques of Emotional English Teaching
  In emotional teaching,teachers should set up a relaxed teaching atmosphere,inspire students’ learning interest,attach great importance to emotional exchange with students and form a harmonious and kind relationship with students.Carrying out emotional teaching should aim at cultivating students’ sentiment and motivation.Because students’ motivations can promote English learning and improve their learning efficiency.
  Ⅰ.Loving Students
  As a teacher who does not love students can never become an outstanding teacher.The expectations and love of a teacher will have a tremendous influence on motivation and inspiration of students’ indomitable spirit of learning.Teachers should not be peremptory,but should ask students to give them advice of education.Meanwhile,teachers should listen to the students’ views about the teaching that are insufficient in class and make up for the insufficiencies timely.This is not only conductive to their professional practice,but also conductive to the establishment of a harmonious democratic relationship with students.Only through squatting,you will find you are equal to the students.Only through squatting,you will be even closer to the heart-to-heart.
  Ⅱ.Stimulating Students Learning Motivation
  Motivation is the factor that affects the initiation,direction,intensity,and persistence of behavior.Teachers must link students’ experience and create appropriate condition to stimulate students’ motivation and reach the class learning goals.Teachers should begin to use words to express the emotional content of teaching,and teachers should be full of passion.Psychologists’ research indicates that if the teachers love the students and have good expectations that will encourage the students greatly.It can open children’s minds to rectify the children’s attention towards learning so that children can have a good learning motivation,and the quality of foreign language teaching can be improved.
  Ⅲ.Exploring Students Learning Goals
  Goals of learning English are to communicate with foreigners and know foreign culture and history.Teacher should help students know the importance and values of learning English in modern life.Teachers can introduce some experience to enhance the status of learning English in students’ heart.With the globalization of world economy,English language has become more important all over the world,and each day there are millions of people learning English as second language in China.In a word,let students know how important English is.Then,students can try their best to learn English.
摘 要:现在中国教育体制下的孩子有很大一部分产生了厌学情绪,对课堂失去兴趣是孩子厌学的关键因素。为此国家教育部大力推进课程改革,希望通过多种教学模式,改变孩子对课堂的传统概念。在义务教学阶段,小学教育比较重要,小学教育对孩子成长学习起到奠基作用,所以在小学阶段,实施新的教学模式非常必要。当前学校根据课程改革要求,已经逐渐摒弃传统教育方式,通过更换教学方式大大提高课堂学习效率。游戏化教学是近年来兴起
摘 要:室内环境艺术设计近年来发展势头较猛,这与现代人消费水平、审美水平的不断提高有很大关系。软装材料开始受到设计人员的欢迎并获得了广泛的应用,合理利用软装材料既可以美化空间,还可以将空间进行合理的划分,提高空间的利用率。软装材料丰富多样且具有自身独特的优势,软装材料的应用为室内环境艺术设计打开了新世界的大门,室内环境艺术设计既面临巨大挑战,同时也迎来了一个发展的好机会。接下来,笔者将简要介绍软装
摘 要:数学是自然科学,美学是研究人们与现实审美关系的科学。从美学的角度看数学,从数学美的分类、特征以及数学与美学的关系着手研究,进而阐明美学和数学有着密不可分的联系。  关键词:数学;数学美;分类;特征  数学是对客观事物的一种量的抽象,在这抽象的架构体系中,数学存在无穷的美。美学的定义在马克思的《新亚美利加百科全书》中有提及:“美学是研究自然和艺术中的美的科学。”数学与美学有其独特的关联性,古
摘 要:班主任工作是神圣的,因为育人;班主任工作是繁复的,因为育心;班主任工作是艰辛的,因为塑造;班主任工作是幸福的,在我从教8年里,我认为班主任工作既要立足于现实,努力做好实际工作,又要着眼于长远,加强学习,不断创新,形成一套全新的班主任创新思维模式,成为班级的有效管理者。因此,,班级管理是班主任工作的重中之重,班主任作为基础教育工作者,班主任对班级管理工作的优劣,直接影响到一个班级的建设和学生
摘 要:在初中化学教育中引入趣味化教育方式,可以提高初中化学的教学成效。本文首先介绍了趣味化教育的概念,接着详细阐述了趣味化教育方式在初中化学课堂中使用的有效方法。  关键词:初中教育;化学课程;趣味化教育;结合方法  化学是基于微观方面探究物质的构造、性质和发展规律的课程,是人们用来认识并创造自然的主观能动实践活动。所以,从本质上来说,化学是一门充满理论性和探究性的课程。在我国化学标准课程大纲中
摘 要:汉语作为我国的母语,所以语文教学就显得尤为重要。语文教学中又以阅读和写作教学为主,阅读教学可以帮助学生提高自身的理解能力,写作教学可以帮助学生提高自身的表达能力。这些能力需要从小锻炼,所以文本对小学语文在阅读和写作教学中的现状以及措施进行分析。  关键词:小学语文;阅读;写作  人与人之间需要沟通与交流才能达到生存的目的,所以理解和表达十分重要。小学语文对于阅读和写作的教学目的,首先就是为
摘 要:计算机学科要尽可能为学生提供积极主动发展的空间,培养学生运用信息技术进行学习适应现代化发展的需求打好基础。本文通过事例论证的方法阐述了兴趣教学是激发学生求知欲,提高教学质量的关键,论证了小学计算机教学中应选择、编制一些适合学生年龄特点的教学软件或益智性教学游戏软件,以培养学生的动手能力、思维能力,发展学生的智力。得出了小学计算机教学不仅要让学生学习计算机简单常识和基本操作,而且应该把教学重
方程是数学发展史上的一个重要里程碑.它可以包容和展示丰富的数量关系,使数学语言有了质的飞跃;用等式作为数学思维的工具,对不同结构形式的方程,人们逐步探索出一套分类处理解方程的方法。正是源于解决数学问题的需求意识发展,人类才创造出方程这一方法.通过方程解决实际问题旨在让学生体验:方程是解决实际问题的有效手段,它是小学后数学新思维、新语言、新方法、新功能的发展.  一、重视方程解法的教学  (一)引导
摘 要:每一个学科想要提高学生的学习成绩最主要的就是学生自主学习能力的培养,学生学习主动性得以加强的必要条件也是学生的自主学习能力培养。根据初中生自主学习能力培养的意义为基础,探讨怎样才能进一步提高学生的自主学习能力。  关键词:初中地理教学;自主学习能力;地理素养  一、地理教学学生自主学习能力培养的重要性  1.培养学生的自主学习能力和地理素养  新的《地理课程标准》对老师就有以下要求:老师需
摘 要:随着社会和科技的发展,信息技术也获得了快速的发展,并且已经渗透到当前社会各个领域之中。信息技术也是备受当前小学数学老师喜爱的一种教学手段,微课是一种将信息技术和教学内容有效融合在一起的新型学习资源,对小学数学教学效率的提高具有一定的推动作用。笔者结合自身的教学经验,就如何在小学数学教学中应用微课谈一谈自己的看法。  关键词:微课;小学;数学;应用  随着网络的普及,视频压缩与传输技术的发展