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目的探讨现有条件下基层计生站更好地提供生殖健康咨询服务。方法融合“优质服务”、“宣传教育”、“人员培训”三大功能,提供多层次全方位生殖健康咨询服务,自行设计调查问卷,对计生专干及落实“四术”的育龄妇女在项目前后进行调查,结果用SPSS 19.0软件包统计分析。结果基线调查18%的育龄妇女对生殖健康知识不了解,终末调查下降到8%。80%以上育龄妇女和88%以上计生专干,均认为计生专干应具备一定的生殖健康咨询能力。通过生殖健康咨询服务,促进了计划生育优质服务,明显提高育龄妇女和计生专干生殖健康知识的知晓。调查显示育龄妇女生殖健康知识获知愈多,避孕节育的可接受性就愈高,有利于落实“预防为主”的措施。结论生殖健康咨询“三融合”模式,提高了群众积极参与的主观能动性,提高了计生专干的生殖健康咨询能力,扩大并改善了生殖健康服务的范围和质量,值得肯定和推广。 Objective To explore the current situation of primary family planning stations to better provide reproductive health advisory services. The method integrates three functions of “quality service”, “propaganda and education”, and “personnel training” to provide multi-level comprehensive reproductive health consultation services, design questionnaires on its own, Surgery “women of childbearing age before and after the investigation, the results using SPSS 19.0 software package statistical analysis. Results Baseline survey 18% of women of childbearing age do not understand reproductive health knowledge, the final survey dropped to 8%. More than 80% of women of childbearing age and over 88% of family planning specialists hold the view that family planning specialties should have some ability to consult on reproductive health. Through reproductive health counseling services, we have promoted the quality of family planning services and significantly enhanced the awareness of women of childbearing age and their reproductive health knowledge in family planning. The survey shows that the more knowledge of reproductive health of women of childbearing age, the higher the acceptability of contraceptives, which is conducive to the implementation of ”prevention-based“ measures. Conclusion Reproductive health counseling ”three integration " mode, enhance the subjective initiative of the masses to participate actively, improve the reproductive health consultation ability of family planning specialists, expand and improve the scope and quality of reproductive health services, which is worthy of recognition and promotion.
法国人德日■(P.Teilhard de Chardin)和桑志華(F.Licent)二人於一九二二年及一九三二年间曾先后到我国河套地方作了兩次考古调查工作。他們發現有兩个重要遗址:一在水洞溝;
介绍了一种基于DCS内置MPC(模型预测控制)模块实现APC(先进控制系统)在Mini Plant实验系统中的应用研究,介绍了MPC的基本原理、适用场合,控制器组态,过程模型预估及系统调试
背景:研究已证实,闭环可回收自膨胀支架 Enterprise 支架对颅内动脉瘤有良好的治疗效果,但其在缺血性脑卒中颅内动脉狭窄的治疗应用方面则主要集中于系列病例分析或个案病例报告