第三章现代出版事业的转化1919年5月4日爆发的“五四”运动,是中国人民反对帝国主义反对封建主义的伟大革命运动,也是彻底反对封建文化的新文化运动,它标志着中国新民主主义革命的开始,也标志着中国革命出版事业的开端。从“五四”运动到中华人民共和国成立的30年间,是中国现代出版事业中新旧力量从并存、较量到交替的时期,这时期大致可分为四个阶段。一、从“五四”运动到大革命阶段(1919—1927年) “五四”时期传播新文化最早的刊物是《新青年》。它1915年9月创刊(原名《青年杂志》,由陈独秀主编,自第二卷起改现名)即竖起“民主”与“科学”两面大旗,向封建主义开火,介绍西欧新思想、新文化,批判中国旧思想、旧道德;同时又举起文学革
Chapter III The Transformation of Modern Publishing Business The May Fourth Movement, which broke out on May 4, 1919, is a great revolutionary movement of the Chinese people against imperialism and feudalism. It is also a new cultural movement that completely opposes feudal culture and marks the foundation of China The beginning of the new-democratic revolution also marks the beginning of the cause of revolution in China’s publishing. During the 30 years since the May 4th Movement and the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the period between the old and new forces in the era of modern publishing in China ran from a period of coexistence to a period of struggle to struggle. This period can be roughly divided into four stages. I. From the May 4th Movement to the Great Revolutionary Period (1919-1927) The earliest publication of the new culture spread during the May 4th Movement was New Youth. It started in September 1915 (formerly known as “Youth Magazine”, edited by Chen Duxiu and changed its name from the second volume), which put the banner of “democracy” and “science” on both sides, opened fire on feudalism, introduced new ideas in Western Europe, New Culture, Criticism of Old Chinese Thought, Old Morality;