日照市靠海,在其辖区内的历史文化名镇涛雒镇,有一座颇具特点的鱼骨庙。 据史料记载,涛雒从汉代(公元前206年)开始就是商贾云集之地,到明朝时,已是人口密集、生意兴旺,再到后来,尤其进入20世纪初期,它已成了方圆百里的名镇。商户100多家,有银行,贩运、商铺、客栈、茶楼等,整个古镇经济繁荣、物流通畅,教育超前,名人辈出。 这些繁荣都源于当时的小海口码头。
Rizhao City, by the sea, in its area of ?? history and culture town Tao Town, there is a characteristic fish bone temple. According to historical records, Taoyuan began to gather merchants from the Han Dynasty (206 BC). By the time of the Ming Dynasty, Tao was already a densely populated and prosperous business. Later, especially into the early 20th century, In the town. More than 100 merchants, banks, traffics, shops, hotels, restaurants, etc., the ancient town of economic prosperity, smooth logistics, education ahead, celebrities come forth in large numbers. These booms came from Xiaokou Pier at the time.