In the early spring of March 1950, an unexpected event interrupted my many years of revolutionary military life. One morning, the Central Military Commission Chief of Staff and Deputy Chief of Staff Li Kenong, deputy chief of the Central Military Commission Engineering School Cao Xiangren and I found his small apartment in the North Avenue. As soon as he saw him, he smiled and told us: Chairman Mao has instructed that a batch of cadres be drawn from the army to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We have already made some changes. Now the Central Military Commission has decided to transfer both of you and initially determine your work in the British Embassy. We are now negotiating with the United Kingdom, going out of it and depending on how the negotiations with the United Kingdom are going. However, it is already established for the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When you go back and explain your work, you will report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.What you can bring with you, you can make your own choice.