接种疫苗是预防和控制传染病的最经济、有效的措施。随着疫苗接种率的提高,疫苗所针对传染病的发病率大幅度下降,同时,预防接种本身的安全性问题备受关注。疑似预防接种异常反应(adverse event following immunization,AEFI)也称预防接种后不良事件,是指在预防接种过程中或过程后发生的可能造成受种者机体组织器官或功能损害,且怀疑与预防接种有关的反应。目前,我国将AEFI分为不良反应、偶
Vaccination is the most economical and effective measure to prevent and control infectious diseases. With the increase of vaccination rate, the incidence of infectious diseases for vaccines has dropped significantly. At the same time, the safety of vaccination itself has drawn much attention. Adverse event following immunization (AEFI), also known as prophylaxis of post-vaccination adverse events, refers to the occurrence of post-vaccination inoculation during or after inoculation that may cause damage to organ tissues or organs, and to suspect and prevent vaccination Related reaction. At present, China will AEFI divided into adverse reactions, even