近年来,我们采用浙江省舟山水产食品厂和中国军事医学科学院卫生学环境医学研究所共同研制的新浓鱼油丸对高脂血症患者进行临床疗效观察,现将结果报道如下. 一、对象与方法 (一)选择对象凡既往有高脂血症史且在观察前连续2次测TC≥4.9mmol/L(我院TC参考值高限为1.2mmol/L)和/或TG≥1.9mmol/L(TG参考值高限1.5mmol/L)的
In recent years, we use the Zhejiang Zhoushan Aquatic Food Factory and the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine co-developed new concentrated fish oil pills for clinical observation of patients with hyperlipidemia, the results reported below. Methods (a) Selection of subjects who had a history of hyperlipidemia and observed 2 consecutive times before the TC ≥ 4.9mmol / L (our hospital TC reference high limit of 1.2mmol / L) and / or TG ≥ 1.9mmol / L (TG reference high limit 1.5mmol / L)