【摘 要】
1-inkdot altating pushdown automaton is a slightly modified altating pushdown automaton with the additional power of marking at most 1 tape-cell on the input (w
【机 构】
Department of Computer Science, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, P.R. China;Department of
1-inkdot altating pushdown automaton is a slightly modified altating pushdown automaton with the additional power of marking at most 1 tape-cell on the input (with an inkdot) once. This paper investigates the closure property of sublogarithmic space-bounded 1-inkdot altating pushdown automata with only existential (universal) states,and shows, for example, that for any function L(n) such that L(n) ≥ log log n and L(n) = o(log n), the class of sets accepted by weakly (strongly) L(n) space-bounded 1-inkdot two-way altating pushdown automata with only existential (universal)states is not closed under concatenation with regular sets, length-preserving homomorphism, and Kleene closure.
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