发生于重点监护病房ICU的某种心律紊乱常为一生理性改变的指标 且可以是一种危及生命的心律的先兆 如室性早搏为缺氧的信号或可导致室性心动过速 非急性心肌梗塞所致的心律紊乱并不表示其为良性 表Ⅰ示心律紊乱的并发症 频率的改变 过
Some arrhythmia that occurs in the ICU of the intensive care unit is often an indicator of a physiologic change and can be a precursor to life-threatening cardiac rhythms such as hypoxia in premature ventricular contractions or to non-acute myocardial infarction that leads to ventricular tachycardia Caused by the heart rhythm disorder does not mean that it is benign Table I shows the change in the frequency of complications of arrhythmia