《客户沟通24原则》 作者:费迪南德·弗尼斯 出版社:中信出版社 版次:2004年7月第1版 定价:16.80元 评分星级:★★★★ 世界级大公司员工培训教程:与客户从心沟 通,一切尽在掌握。如何打动客户,如何与客户保持 长期友好的关系,如何让客户钟情于你以及你的公 司?国际知名管理专家弗尼斯根据他20多年来的实战 经验,总结出24个常见的沟通难题和误区,帮你快速 掌握专业人士的沟通要诀。
“24 principles of customer communication” Author: Ferdinand Furniss Press: CITIC Publishing House Edition: July 2004 First Edition Price: 16.80 yuan Star Rating: ★★★★ world-class staff training course: with customers Communication from the heart, everything is under control. How to impress clients, how to maintain long-term friendly relationship with customers, how to make customers love you and your company? According to his over 20 years of practical experience, Funes, an internationally renowned management expert, summarized 24 common communication problems and misunderstandings to help you master the communication tips of professionals.