一、孕育和提出阶段 把“三个代表”重要思想作为一个完整的思想提出来,最早是2000年2月25日的广州讲话,初见端倪则是1989年12月29日在中共中央宣传部、中共中央政策研究室、中共中央组织部、中共中央党校举办的党建理论研究班上的讲话。在这次讲话中江泽民指出,我们要“代表先进生产力和生产关系,代表全体人民的
First, to nurture and raise the stage Put forward the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ as a complete thought. The earliest was a speech in Guangzhou on February 25, 2000. At first glance, it was announced by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee on December 29, 1989 , Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Party School Theory Seminar held by the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China. In this speech, Jiang Zemin pointed out: We should "represent the advanced productive forces and the relations of production and represent the entire people