,Learning from the crowd: Road infrastructure monitoring system

来源 :Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong507
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The condition of the road infrastructure has severe impacts on the road safety, driving comfort, and on the rolling resistance. Therefore, the road infrastructure must be monitored comprehensively and in regular intervals to identify damaged road segments and road hazards.Methods have been developed to comprehensively and automatically digitize the road infrastructure and estimate the road quality, which are based on vehicle sensors and a supervised machine learning classification. Since different types of vehicles have various suspension systems with different response functions, one classifier cannot be taken over to other vehicles. Usually, a high amount of time is needed to acquire training data for each individual vehicle and classifier.To address this problem, the methods to collect training data automatically for new vehicles based on the comparison of trajectories of untrained and trained vehicles have been developed. The results show that the method based on a k-dimensional tree and Euclidean distance performs best and is robust in transferring the information of the road surface from one vehicle to another. Furthermore, this method offers the possibility to merge the output and road infrastructure information from multiple vehicles to enable a more robust and precise prediction of the ground truth. The condition of the road infrastructure has bersh impacts on the road safety, driving comfort, and on the rolling resistance. Driving, and on the rolling resistance. Therefore, the road infrastructure must be monitored comprehensively and in regular intervals to identify damaged road segments and road hazards. Methods have been developed to comprehensively and automatically digitize the road infrastructure and estimate the road quality, which are based on vehicle sensors and a supervised machine learning classification. Since different types of vehicles have various suspension systems with different response functions, one classifier can not be taken over to other vehicles. Usually, a high amount of time is needed to acquire training data for each individual vehicle and classifier.To address this problem, the methods to collect training data automatically for new vehicles based on the comparison of trajectories of untrained and trained vehicles have been developed. The results show that the method based on a k-dimensional tr ee and Euclidean distance performs best and is robust in transferring the information of the road surface from one vehicle to another. this method offers the possibility to merge the output and road infrastructure information from multiple vehicles to enable a more robust and precise prediction of the ground truth.
【摘要】差异作为教育工作的起点与重点,其是现阶段教育实践探索的一个重要课题。针对不同学生的不同类型、不同基础,可以采取不同的学习方式、方法与路径,这对于学生不同特长、志趣的培养有着重要的意义。本文先对初中数学实施分层教学的背景、意义进行探讨,并进一步研究如何利用初中数学分层作业,来提升教学成绩。  【关键词】初中数学;分层作业;教学质量  【中图分类号】G623.5 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】
【摘要】传统的小学数学教学方法不能适用于现在的数学教学,很难再提高小学生数学学习的积极性,所以在学习过程中不能达到良好的发挥。教师学习新的教学方法后,应根据新课程改革的模式进行教学,培养学生自主学习能力,发挥学生主观能动性,激发学生的学习兴趣,从而提高教学效率。  【关键词】小学数学;教学方法;创新  【中图分类号】G63 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0250
【摘要】探究教学模式是现阶段我国教学所广泛应用的一种模式,对和谐良好教学氛围的构建、学生自主性的提高、教学效率和质量的提升等方面有着重要的作用。而物理的教学从本质上来看本就具有一定的探究性,这也就要求高中的物理教师能遵循探究教学模式的应用原则将其运用到教学中。  【关键词】探究教学模式;高中物理;原则;应用  【中图分类号】G633.7 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)
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There is a growing global interest in developing and accommodating sustainable modes of travel.Cycling is an important mode of travel which offers powerful solu
【摘要】技校生普遍存在数学学习兴趣低和数学基础差的问题,对学生发展有不利影响。因此,应加强对学生数学学习兴趣培养的研究。本文围绕高职学生在数学学习中存在的不良行为习惯、培养高职学生数学学习兴趣的相关措施两个方面展开讨论,针对现阶段影响学生数学学习积极性的相关因素,制定了具体的解决措施,以便实现学生数学学习兴趣提高的目的,进而促进数学教学的良好发展。  【关键词】数学教学;兴趣培养;技校生  【中图
【摘要】微课教学模式是以互联网为依托,将某个知识点进行视频处理并在互联网上进行时时共享,从而能够将知识的传播效率大大提高。将微课应用在初中英语教学中,能突破时空限制,优化教学质量。本文基于笔者的教学经验,从四个角度针对微课在初中英语教学中的应用进行分析和阐述。  【关键词】微课;初中英语教学;应用  【中图分类号】G633.41;G434 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017