欧美的创伤护理行业在过去一段时间里有了长足发展,仅去年的营业额就有三十几亿美元,而且由于技术的进步和经济的发展,进一步发展的势头十分看好。 创伤护理市场主要是传统敷料和现代敷料。传统敷料从什么时候开始有的已很难查考,现代敷料,如生物材料和银抗微生物敷料,是近些年才有的。在创伤治疗中,生长因子的引入是另一个创新。
The trauma care industry in Europe and the United States has made great strides in the past period of time. Last year alone, there were over three billion U.S. dollars in revenue. Due to technological advances and economic development, the momentum for further development is very good. The trauma care market is mainly traditional dressings and modern dressings. It has been very difficult to find out when traditional dressings are available, and modern dressings, such as biomaterials and silver antimicrobial dressings, have only been available in recent years. In the treatment of trauma, the introduction of growth factors is another innovation.