根据玉米螟在田间幼虫分布转移规律和不同类型玉米上的为害及去雄与防治效果比较研究 ,提出了玉米喇叭口期免施农药、抽雄初期 1/ 2去雄以及在为害严重地区、1/ 2去雄的基础上施用高效低毒低残留农药的玉米螟防治新方法。
According to the distribution rules of corn borer larvae in the field and the comparison on the damage and the effect of removing male and controlling maize in different types of maize, the paper proposed that the pesticides should be given out during the trumpet stage, 2 male sterility on the basis of the application of high efficiency and low residual pesticide corn borer prevention and control of a new method.