各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各厅、局、委、办: 《云南省禁毒条例》(以下简称《条例》)已由省七届人大常委会第十八次会议于一九九一年五月二十七日通过并公布施行,现印发给你们,请认真组织实施。中央今年五号文件指出:“坚决开展禁毒斗争,从根本上消除毒品祸害,关系到人民的健康幸福、民族的兴旺发达和我国社会主义现代化建设事业的顺利进行。各地党委和政府必须高度重视,加强对禁毒斗争的领导”。由于受到毒品产地的包围,国外毒品渗透的情况越来越严重,我省面临着一场新的禁毒斗争。为了贯彻执行好全国人大常委会《关于禁毒的决定》和省人大常委会通过的《条例》,特提出如下要求:
State, city and county people’s governments, regional administrative offices, provincial departments, bureaus, commissions and commissions: The “Regulations on Drug Control in Yunnan Province” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) have been approved by the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress Passed and promulgated on May 27, 1991, are hereby issued to you. Please conscientiously organize the implementation. The document on the 5th of this year pointed out: “resolutely carry out the fight against narcotics, basically eliminate the scourge of drugs, and have a bearing on the health and happiness of the people, the prosperity of the nation and the smooth progress of the socialist modernization drive in our country. , Strengthen the leadership of the anti-drug struggle ”. Surrounded by the origin of drugs, the penetration of drugs abroad has become more and more serious, and our province is facing a new anti-drug struggle. In order to implement the “Decision on Drug Control” passed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and the “Regulations” passed by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, we hereby put forward the following requirements: