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  I’m a cat lover; always have been. While other kids liked to pull cats’ tails and throw them and kick them, seemingly deriving joy from their squeals of discomfort, I preferred the relaxing, therapeutic vibrations of a cat’s purring to any sound on earth. I still miss having that sound to coax me into dreamland, but the cats aren’t allowed in the bedroom anymore since my wife’s allergies started acting up.
  As the years pass, my aging Cantonese cats, Liono or Lolo for short, and Tyra Banks or Tyty are still quite spry, but have recently become points of contention between me, my wife and her mother. I understand the difficulties with bringing them, the cats and my wife, to the United States later this year, but I don’t have the heart to leave my furry felines behind. Besides, there’s no one here in China I trust to take care of them. And that brings us to this month’s featured articles.
  All three features this month are told from the pets’point of view. So instead of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can put yourself in these animals’ paws, so to speak. We start with a rather heart-wrenching tale of life and death, The Story of Whiskers, which follows a young cat from kittenhood all the way to its final breath. Then, in another tear-jerker titled How Could You?, we see a dog grow up with a loving family, only to be abandoned to an animal shelter for the rest of its days. And finally, Boss, Come Play with Me is another dog-told-tale, about how stress can make people forget about what’s really important in life.
  So whether you’re a cat person like me, or a dog person like many others, just don’t forget to close your eyes, once in a while, and imagine how they must feel.

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