这是一个听起来比《红楼梦》里贾宝玉和林黛玉的前世之传说还要玄妙的新城市爱情经典,是一段富有传奇色彩的异国恋情。Lisa 怎么也没想到,眼前这个儒雅的东方男孩会对她今后的人生产生那么大的影响。她是一个追求时尚、自由至上的美国女孩,所以尽管有良好的教育背景,精通英语、德语和中文,却对就职于跨国公司、担任要职没什么兴趣。她迷恋古老的东方文化,又酷爱旅游,于是她以自由翻译为职积攒旅费,只身来到中国,她的终点站是印度,因为她要去探寻那神秘的佛教发源地。可是随着邂逅次数的增多,她发现总坐在对面吧台上的那
This is a legendary new love affair that sounds a bit more mysterious than the legends of the past tales of Jiabao and Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions. Lisa never imagined that this refined oriental boy would have such a big impact on her future life. She is an American girl who pursues fashion and freedom, so she has no interest in working for multinational corporations and holding senior positions despite her good education background, proficiency in English, German and Chinese. Her obsession with the ancient oriental culture, but also love to travel, so she free-translate travel expenses accumulated, came to China alone, her destination is India, because she wanted to explore the mysterious source of Buddhism. However, with the increase in the number of encounters, she found sitting on the counter opposite the total