近日,一位友人在谈及企业领导时,讲了这样一句戏言“不能发工资的厂长谁不能当。”窄听来并没有什么发人深省的,但仔细想来,其中所蕴藏的意味可谓深长。 眼下,企业在市场不兴,消费不旺中,遇到了前所未有困难,由于企业开工不足,加之有些企业生产的产品在市场上难有作为,出现了一些企业连工人工资也不能当月兑现的情况,拖欠工人工资成了见怪不怪的事情,相当普通。有的企业甚至拖欠一年半载,由于企业不能按时兑现工人工资,给企业工人的日常生
Recently, when a friend talked about business leaders, he said such a joke: “The factory director who cannot pay wages cannot be a person.” Narrowly speaking, there is no thought-provoking, but when you think about it carefully, the implications are profound. At present, companies are experiencing unpredictable market failures and low consumption. Due to the lack of business start-ups, and the fact that some companies produce products that are difficult to perform in the market, some companies have even been unable to pay workers’ wages in the same month. The default on the wages of workers has become a strange thing. It is quite common. Some companies even defaulted for one and a half years, because companies could not pay their workers’ wages on time and gave daily lives to workers.