明代北京使用的燃料,有植物性的柴炭和矿物性的煤两类。明代前期,北京所用燃料主要为柴薪,中叶以后煤的使用日益增加,到明代后期,煤逐渐成为北京的主要燃料。明代内廷所用柴炭,基本上通过强制性的徭役体系获得,而京城官民人等所需柴炭,则须通过市场购买。至于煤的开采和运销, 则主要采用民营方式。
The fuel used by Beijing in the Ming Dynasty was plant-derived and two types of mineral coal. In the early Ming Dynasty, the fuel used in Beijing was mainly fuelwood, and the use of coal after the middle period was increasing. By the latter part of the Ming Dynasty, coal gradually became the main fuel for Beijing. The charcoal used by the Inner Court of the Ming Dynasty was basically obtained through a mandatory system of military service, while the necessary charcoal for officials in the capital, such as the people of the capital, must be purchased through the market. As for coal mining and marketing, the main use of private means.