今年 4月 2 2日是第 34个世界地球日 ,我国政府确定今年的主题是“善待地球 ,保护资源”。地球作为太阳系中唯一适宜人类生存和发展的星球 ,为人类的生存与发展提供了大量的能源与物质资料。但人类在寻求自身发展的同时 ,也在影响着周围的环境 ,造成生态系统失衡、环境恶化、灾害频发。为纪念“地球日” ,树立全民资源忧患意识 ,保护地球 ,本刊编辑部特与中国国土资源经济研究院科技处、中国地质矿产经济学会青年分会共同策划了本期纪念专栏 ,特邀中国国土资源经济研究院李新玉副研究员、王文副研究员、胡小平副研究员就“善待地球、保护资源”撰文 ,以期提高广大民众的保护意识 ,善待地球 ,保护资源 ,为全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的实现提供充足的资源保障。
April 22 this year is the 34th day of the Earth Day. My government has set the theme this year as “treating the Earth and protecting resources.” As the only planet suitable for human existence and development in the solar system, the Earth provides a great deal of energy and material information for the survival and development of mankind. However, human beings, while seeking their own development, are also affecting the surrounding environment, resulting in ecosystem imbalances, environmental degradation and frequent disasters. To commemorate the “Earth Day” and establish a sense of universal concern for the resources to protect the Earth, editorial department special correspondent with the China Academy of Land Resources and Technology Technology, China Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Youth Branch co-curated the commemorative column of this issue, invited China Land Associate Researcher Li Xinyu, Deputy Associate Professor Wang Wen and Associate Professor Hu Xiaoping of the Institute of Resource and Economic Research wrote an essay on “Treat the Earth and Protect Resources” with a view to raising the public awareness of protection, treating the earth, protecting resources and providing the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way Adequate resources protection.