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美国的加里·杰里菲教授在《制造奇迹:拉美与东亚工业化的道路》书中深入比较了东亚与拉美的发展类型,揭示了中国“奇迹经济”的奥秘。首先,中国解开了一道世界难题,正确地对待世界体系,把握住了发展的机遇。事实证明,任何一国的现代化都不能脱离与世界的联系,而既定的世界体系又是发达国家占尽先机和占据主导的。世界体系可提供资 Professor Gary Jellief of the United States made an in-depth comparison of the types of development in East Asia and Latin America in his book Making a Miracle: the Roads to Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia, revealing the mystery of China’s “miracle economy.” First of all, China has solved a world problem, correctly treated the world system and seized the opportunities for development. Facts have proved that the modernization of any country can not be separated from the world and that the established world system takes the lead and takes the lead in developed countries. The world system can provide funding
素描基础训练首先会从静物写生入手,当学员初步掌握了蔬果静物的形体及特征、质感与明暗的表达技能之后,教学的重点便很快地抽离了一味停留在对客观物体的深入描绘这种传统的素描教学程序上,而让学员进入了联想思维训练的全新体验之中。    教学方法:  我们要求学员选择已写生过的、感知的蔬果对象,运用替换思维方式来把人的脸部及表情与各种蔬果造型重新组合起来,因此每一个蔬果的元素都赋予了新的意义。  其教学过程
目的 比较抗心磷脂抗体 (ACA)和抗心肌线粒体抗体(ACMA)对小儿扩张型心肌病 (DCM)诊断及病情了解的作用。方法 采用ELISA法测定DCM 30例ACA IgG和ACMA IgG ,并与健康儿童对