亲爱的读者: 2002年我国食品工业总产值达到创记录的10,554亿元,比2001年增长16%左右。进入新世纪第一年的增幅是12.12%。食糖、液体奶、乳制品、味精、软饮料、罐头、小麦粉等各类食品产量大幅度增长。市场销售活跃,产品销售率达到97.66%,比上年同期增长0.57个百分点。2002年食品工业预计完成利润总额540亿元,同比增长约20%,大大高出全国工业平均水平。预计实现利税总额2000亿元。食品工业已成为名副其实的朝阳产业,并且愈来愈引起社会各界关注。本期隆重推出的《食品工业是“天”工业》和《食品行业该有自己的“大法”了》二文,分别请著名经济学家于光远先生和中国食品工业协会王文哲会长,就食品工业在国民经济中不可替代的作用和当前亟待解决的问题,发表了真知灼见。 发展食品工业事关“三农”,事关在我国全面推进小康社会的千秋大计。小康生活的标志绝不仅仅是单纯数字的增长,以及房
Dear Reader: In 2002, the total output value of China’s food industry reached a record 1,055.4 billion yuan, an increase of about 16% over 2001. The increase in the first year of entering the new century was 12.12%. Sugar, liquid milk, dairy products, monosodium glutamate, soft drinks, canned food, wheat flour and other kinds of food production increased significantly. Market active sales, product sales rate reached 97.66%, an increase of 0.57 percentage points over the same period the previous year. In 2002, the food industry is estimated to have completed a total profit of 54 billion yuan, an increase of about 20% over the same period of last year, much higher than the national industrial average. It is estimated that the total profits and taxes will reach 200 billion yuan. The food industry has become a real sunrise industry, and more and more attention from all walks of life. This issue grandly launched the “food industry is the” day “industry” and “food industry should have its own” Dafa “two articles, respectively, the famous economist Mr. Yu Guangyuan and China Food Industry Association, President Wang Wenzhe Food industry in the national economy irreplaceable role and the current problems to be solved, delivered a brilliant insight. The development of the food industry is related to ”agriculture, rural areas and farmers", which is related to the future plan of promoting an overall well-to-do society in our country. The symbol of a well-to-do life is by no means a mere number increase, as well as a room