The global and pluralism of information dissemination is an irreversible trend of development in the era of micro-information. Undoubtedly, the micro era is a multi-modal Internet “micro-space” that includes the output of personal values, social complex interpersonal interactions, and emerging knowledge. Nevertheless, in the face of the complexity and uncertainty of the modern Internet society, the emergence of the crisis of belief, the crisis of belief, the crisis of confidence and the moral crisis will undoubtedly pose a four-fold challenge to the leadership concept in the era of micro-times. In the final analysis, any form of society is a combination of “rule of law ” and “rule by virtue ” order. Whether it is the fairness and justice of society or the principle of social distribution, the leadership philosophy of administrative leaders should always be reasonable Legitimate as a prerequisite, it must prove that the combination of regulation and freedom is necessary, legal, and justified for the executive leader.