Module5 Frankenstein’sMonster

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  Contents includes:
  1. Analysis of Teaching Material
  The lesson is taken from Book 6, Module 5, Reading &Vocabulary, Frankenstein’s Monster.
  (aims to give students a step by step training on reading comprehension and words expansion)
  2. Analysis of Teaching object: Senior 2 student
  (no longer satisfied with the literal undersanding of the passage, expecting some more beyond the lines)
  Teaching Aims:
  1. to help students learn more useful words and expressions,
  2. to consolidate students’ reading skills,
  3. to develop students’ critical thinking and right attitude towards science.
  Important points:
  1. read and understand the text,
  2. describe the monster’s appearance and their emotions.
  Difficult points:
  Have the students learn some lessons from the story.
  Teaching methods:
  1. task-based learning method,
  2. autonomic learning method ,
  3. group work & pair work.
  Teaching Aids:
  A multi-media, a short video, some pictures, a blackboard
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1: Lead-in
  Part1:show a short video and lead to the reading part.
  (aims to arouse students’ interest in the story and help them guess what is giong to be
  talked in the passage)
  Step 2: Read Part1 The story of Frankenstein
  Task1: skim part1 and fill in the blanks
  (aims to help students make clear the plot of the story)
  Task2: read part 1 carefully and answer 4 questions
  (aims to help students have a better understanding of the story)
  Step 3: Read Part2 Extract from Frankenstein
  Task1: skim part 2 and grasp the main idea of each paragraph
  (aims to help students grasp the main idea and make it easier for them to locate further detailed information later )
  Task2:read part 2 carefully and describe the monster’s appearance
  (aims to help students appreciate the literal description of the monster)
  Task3:use one word to describe the monster’s appearance
  Task4:How did Frankenstein feel about the creature before its birth? And How do you know that?
  Task5:What is Frankenstein’s feeling towards the creature after its birth? And How do you know that?
  Step 4: Discussion
  Task :how does the monster’s emotion change and why
  Step 5: Reflection
  Task: What lessons can the students learn from the story?
  (aims to help students understand the message behind the story)
  Retelling & Homework
  Retell and write down the most important lesson you learn from what we have just discussed within 80-120 words.
  Blackboard Design
教学目标:  1.品读名家,打开五感,尝试把自己的感觉描写得更细腻、更丰富。  2.欣赏片段,激活味蕾,学会写出美食色香味的“三法”。  3. 选择美食,运用“写味三法”,写出笔尖上的味蕾盛宴。  教学重点:  抓住美食的特点(如:色、香、味、形等几方面)介绍。  教学难点:  介绍美食的味道时融入自己的真实感受。  教学过程:  一、情境导课,激发兴趣  师:老师首先要问大家,你们是吃货吗?说说
一、教学目标、重难点  (一)教学目标  1.知识与能力  了解新式学堂的出现、科举制废除、新闻报纸和书馆出现的史实;知道鲁迅、齐白石、徐悲鸿、聂耳、冼星海等文学艺术家的主要成就。  2.过程与方法  教育方面,通过不同时期的学生学习内容的变化,指导学生进行史料史证、历史解释;指导学生归纳总结教育事业的发展、文学艺术的发展,创制表格,使学生对知识点条理清晰,以便从宏观上把握知识点,进而培养学生归纳
一、指导思想  《数学课程标准》指出:“新课程实施的基本点是促进学生全面、持续、和谐地发展。”而数学教学,则从学生已有的生活经验出发,创設生动有趣的问题情境,引导学生通过观察猜想、合作交流,从而获取新知、形成技能、发展思维、学会学习。  二、教学目标  1.知识与技能目标  (1) 理解平行四边形的定义,能根据定义探究平行四边形的性质;  (2) 会用平行四边形的性质解决简单的平行四边形的计算问题
幼儿文学是适合3—6岁儿童阅读、欣赏并有助于他们身心发展的文学,它是幼儿年龄特征、心理特点、审美情趣以及幼儿教育要求在艺术形象中的有机结合。幼儿文学的指导要点是引导幼儿感受作品的语言美和意境美,但我们以前开展的很多幼儿文学活动,多注重于认知这方面,往往忽略了他们对作品语言美、意境美的感受。幼儿文学究竟应如何引导呢?我想通过一些案例和大家一起思考和探讨。  一、利用朗诵引导幼儿感受语言美  幼儿文学
一、Contents  Words: hamburger cake French fries chicken bread hot dog  Let’s do  Sentences: I like….  二、Aims  1、Knowledge: Enable students to understand and speak six new words and the  sentence patter
设计思路:  春天是一个五彩季节,小草慢慢露出了嫩嫩的绿芽儿,花儿慢慢开放了,红的花、黄的花、粉的花——小蝴蝶忙着在花丛中翩翩起舞,小蜜蜂辛勤地采花蜜,在户外散步的时候,孩子们无不为这样的美景所吸引,“老师,你看,有蝴蝶,好漂亮呀”“老师,好漂亮的花,这是什么花呀? ”……《指南》中提出,对于大班这个年龄段的孩子来说,他们乐意想别人介绍自己所发现的美的事物,并能用多种工具、材料或不同的表现手法表达
活动背景:  《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中指出,要以游戏为基本活动,重视幼儿的兴趣与需要,要求“保证幼儿每天有适当的自主选择和自由活动时间”。而我园户外游戏还以传统游戏的开展为主,户外自主游戏一直难以开展,究其原因,还是教师对自主游戏不了解,没有头绪,无从下手,教师重视的仅仅是“户外”这个表面形式,没有从真正意义上研究如何有效开展?有哪些成功的策略?等等。当我们静下心来反思教育行为时,扪心自问
《比身高(自主学习)》是北师大版小学数学四年级下册第一单元第六课时的内容,其教学重点是小数进位加法和退位减法的计算学习。学生在学习这节课之前,已经掌握了小数的意义、小数的大小比较和小数不进位加法与不退位减法的计算,我们结合学情拟定了学习目标,并围绕学习目标与“数的运算”教学范式,两者相融制定以下四个教学环节:  第一个环节:生活现象——生活情境产生运算需求(约3分钟)  1.谈话:在辽阔的非洲大草