The market economy has always been in great danger because of large amounts of funds, strong liquidity and complicated processes. The principle of prudence is not to be underestimated because it minimizes the scope tolerances of changes in funds in accounting, does not overestimate the value of assets and profits Debt costs, to meet one of the most consistent with the real situation. As the principle that accounting supervision and evaluation plays an important role, its application in accounting practice is indispensable. It is one of the important means to avoid risks and minimize the losses of enterprises. In the practical application, there is a loss from the accrued accounts receivable to establish a bad debt reserve; the ending stocks are denominated in “the lower one of the cost and the market price”; the “first in, first out” method is used to price the issued stock; the fixed Assets depreciated by depreciation, etc., all of which apply the principle of prudence. The principle of prudence can reduce taxes and fees for businesses and speed up economic growth. However, improper use can also lead enterprises to the wrong path. This article briefly discusses the necessity of cautious principle in accounting practice, how to use it and the existing problems.