艺术简历赵秀勋,山东莱西人,1954年1月生。毕业于山东师范学院汉语言文学系,结业于中国艺术研究院郭怡孮艺术工作室研究生班,曾师从崔子范、郭怡孮、王明明。现为中国美术家协会会员、山东画院高级画师。中国画作品《清气满乾坤》获“首届‘莱乡情’中国画提名展”优秀奖,《南国风来》获“纪念邓小平诞辰100周年全国中国画展”优秀奖,《彩墨兰花》获“全国第三届文人画北京邀请展”金奖。中国画作品《瑞雪幽禽》《九畹怡香》《白描春兰》分别入选2004年、2005年、2006年“全国中国画作品展”。《白描兰花》入选“第六届全国工笔画大展”。交流邮箱:[email protected]电话:[email protected]
Artistic resume Zhao Xiu Xun, Shandong Lacey, born in January 1954. Graduated from Shandong Normal University Department of Chinese language and Literature, graduated from the China Academy of Art Guo Yiju art studio graduate classes, had under the guidance of Cui Zifan, Guo Yijie, Wang Ming. Now a member of Chinese Artists Association, Shandong Painting Academy senior painter. Chinese painting “Qingqi Qianwan Kun” was awarded the “First Prize of Excellence in Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition” for “Lai Nostalgia”, “Southern Wind” won the “Excellent Award” in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s Birth of Chinese Painting Exhibition, “Colorful Ink Orchid” Won the Gold Award for the Third Invitation Exhibition of Scholars in Beijing. Selected works of Chinese painting “Rui Xueyou”, “Jiuyi Yi Xiang”, “Bai Chunlan” were selected in 2004, 2005, 2006 “National Chinese painting exhibition ”. “White orchid” selected “Sixth National Fine Arts Exhibition ”. Exchange mailbox: [email protected] Tel: [email protected]