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1995年10月28日,国务院发布了《信访条例》,这一条例的颁布和实施,标志着我国信访工作纳入了法制化轨道。信访工作是一项政治性、政策性、法律性很强的工作,随着改革开放的深入和民主法治建设的进步,信访工作的内容和方式也发生了许多变化:在信访内容上,涉及群众切身利益的问题大幅度上升。反映的信访问题呈现出多面性、复杂性、广泛性、深刻性的特点;在信访形式上,表现为集体访、缠访、越级访有所增多。信访群众要求解决问题的心情急切,有的甚至表现较激烈,单纯的行政手段已无法解决,迫切需要按照法定程序进行和处理信访工作。因此,走信访工作法制化建设之路,依法处理和规范信访活动,是时代和历史发展的必然要求,也是信访工作发展和改革的方向及目标。一、构筑信访工作平台,引导群众合法上访大力开展信访法律知识宣传工作,引导群众依法 On October 28, 1995, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on Letters and Visits. The promulgation and implementation of this ordinance symbolized the legalization of letters and visits in our country. With the deepening of reform and opening up and the progress of democracy and the rule of law, many changes have taken place in the content and methods of letters and visits: in the content of letters and visits, people involved in the content of letters and visits, The issue of immediate interest has risen sharply. The response to letters and visits reflected the characteristics of multifacetedness, complexity, extensiveness and profoundness. In the forms of letters and visits, the performance of collective visits, interviews and extra visits increased. The masses of letters and calls for urgent solution to the problem, and some even more fierce performance, simple administrative means can not be resolved, there is an urgent need to follow the legal procedures for handling letters and visits. Therefore, it is an inevitable requirement for the development of the times and history that the legal construction of letters and visits work and the handling and standardization of letter and visit activities in accordance with the law are also the directions and targets for the development and reform of letters and visits. First, to build a working platform for letters and visits, and guide the people to legal petitions Vigorously carry out propaganda work on legal knowledge of letters and visits to guide the masses in accordance with the law
一场公交民营化风波,将十堰公交推上了风口浪尖。未来十堰公交将何去何从?6月3日召开的湖北十堰市府第38次常务会议,给了人们新的期待。会议认为,十堰公交改革不会停滞, A b
针对四轴加工中心在利用传统工艺加工维纳斯雕像过程中出现的效率低及容易发生断刀现象进行分析研究,提出了基于UG NX平台采用旋转MCS工件坐标系的原理,利用UG NX型腔铣和可
高等教育在社会发展中所承担的职责和所起的用途 ,不是一成不变的 ,而是逐步扩展的 ,它的新的历史使命是以往任何时代所不可比拟的。为新世纪高等教育职能定位 ,并寻求新世纪
【正】 从公元九三七年至公元一二五一年,在伟大祖国的西南边陲——云南洱海地区,建立了以白族为主体的大理国地方政权。共传二十二代,历时三百一十四年。行政区划设置了八府