LCD显示器 PC World 中国实验室 在Sony显示器 2005秋季新品发 布会上.Sony推出了S、X、HX 共3个系列的显示器新品,今天我 们就请来了其中专为商业用户而 设计的17英寸SDM-X75F。 X75F的外形设计非常简 洁,通体的黑色、窄窄的边框、 直直的线条,处处透出一股稳 重之气,让人一眼就看出这是 一款专为商业用户而设计的产 品。面向商业用户,X75F在一些 细节之处也考虑得非常周到。 为了满足不同身高及不同使用 习惯的用户需求,X75F的底座 支持110mm的高度调节,另外, 还可以在水平方向转动350°,
LCD Monitor PC World China Labs Sony show in the fall of 2005 new product launches. Sony introduced a total of three series of S, X, HX monitors, and today we have invited 17-inch SDM-X75F, which is designed for business users. X75F shape design is very simple, all-black, narrow borders, straight lines, showing a steady flow of gas everywhere, at a glance to see that this is a designed for business users and products. For business users, the X75F is also very thoughtful in some details. In order to meet the needs of users of different height and different habits, X75F base supports 110mm height adjustment, in addition, you can also rotate in the horizontal direction 350 °,