自2006年我国外汇储备超过日本成为世界第一储备大国之后,至2010年底的短短4年时间,已超过2.8万亿美元。巨额的外汇储备固然证明综合国力的强大,对确保国际支付、汇率调控和社会经济安全等十分有利,但也会带来外汇储备成本高、外汇资产利用效率低、引起国际经济贸易摩擦等一系列负面影响。为此,确定一个适度的储备规模,调整好储备资产结构,合理有效地利用超额外汇储备去改善国内经济和产业结构,进一步开拓国际商品和资本市场,是符合科学发展观,促进我国经济又好又快地可持续发展的明智之举。“,”Since 2006,China's foreign exchange reserve has surpassed Japan and become the world's first largest foreign exchange reserve.In the past 4 years,China's foreign exchange reserve has been over 2.8 trillion by the end of 2010.The huge foreign exchange reserve demonstrates the overall strength of China,and is beneficial to ensure the international payments,control the exchange rate and secure the social economy,but it can also bring some negative effects,such as high cost of foreign exchange reserve,inefficient use of foreign exchange asset,international trade and economic frictions,etc.Therefore,it is wise to determine an appropriate reserve scale,adjust the reserve asset structure,make good use of excess foreign exchange reserve to improve the domestic economic and industrial structure and explore the international commodity and capital market in order to promote the rapid sustainable development of economy in China.