通过荧光显微镜和人工杂交授粉结实情况的观察,研究了抗草甘膦甘蓝型油菜Q3(Brassica.napus L.)与5种十字花科杂草的杂交亲和性。结果表明,遏蓝菜(Thlaspi arvense L.)、荠菜[Capsella bursa-pastoris(L.)Medic]、碎米荠(Cardamine hirsuta L.)、风花菜[Rorippa palustris(L.)Besser](作母本)与Q3(作父本)杂交高度不亲和。荧光显微镜观察发现花粉管生长受阻,分别停滞在上述杂草的柱头表面或花柱上部1/3处;而野芥菜×Q3则表现出一定程度的亲和性,亲和指数为1.65。在大田邻近间隔种植和自然授粉条件下,Q3与遏蓝菜、荠菜、碎米荠和风花菜间的基因流频率为0,与野芥菜间的频率为0.86%。上述结果表明转抗除草剂基因油菜与十字花科杂草间存在不同程度的基因流,基因流频率与杂交亲和性高度相关。
The hybridization affinity of glyphosate-tolerant Brassica napus Q3 (Brassica.napus L.) with five species of cruciferous weeds was investigated by observation of fluorescence microscopy and artificial pollination. The results showed that Thlaspi arvense L., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic, Cardamine hirsuta L., Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser Ben) and Q3 (father) hybrids are not highly compatible. Fluorescence microscopy showed that the growth of pollen tube was blocked and stagnated respectively at the stigma surface or 1/3 of the upper part of the weed, while wild mustard × Q3 showed a certain degree of affinity with an affinity index of 1.65. The frequency of gene flow between Q3 and A. capitatum, shepherd’s purse, chestnut, and camel was 0 and 0.88% between wild mustard and paddy under the conditions of planting and natural pollination. The above results show that there are different degrees of gene flow between herbicide-resistant genera and cruciferous weeds, and the frequency of gene flow is highly correlated with the hybridization affinity.