1 事故经过 某县电业局平杨35 kV线路于1998年动工。由于110 kV变电站附近群众无理阻挠而停工,后在当地政府和公安机关的协调配合下,于2001年3月复工。因平后35 kV线路走径影响平杨35 kV线路出线,3月11 日工作任务为北移平后线fi型杆及架设
1 accident after a county electricity Ping Ping 35kV line started in 1998. Due to unwarranted obstructions by the masses near the 110 kV substation, the work was resumed in March 2001 after coordination with the local government and the public security organ. Ping 35kV line due to the impact of the Pingyang 35kV line outlet qualifying, March 11 for the northern shift line of work and the erection of fi-shaped rod and erection