题目 :将一铁块挂在弹簧秤的下端 ,测得其重为4 .90N。现将铁块浸没于 2 0 0g稀硫酸中 ,直到不再产生气泡为止 ,这时弹簧秤的读数为 3.92N ,液体的密度为 1.4 0× 10 3kg·m- 3,求该稀硫酸溶液中溶质H2 SO4 的质量 (注 :铁的密度为 7.80× 10 3kg·m- 3)。错解 :设
Title: A piece of iron is hung on the lower end of the spring balance, measuring a weight of 4.90N. The iron lumps were then immersed in 200 g of dilute sulfuric acid until bubbles were no longer generated. The spring scale reading was 3.92 N and the liquid density was 1.4 0×10 3 kg·m-3. Solutes were found in the dilute sulfuric acid solution. Quality of H2SO4 (Note: The density of iron is 7.80×10 3kg·m-3). Misunderstanding: