Factors that affect students’oral ability and their strategies

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  Language is a tool that can be used to communicate with each other .English as a global language which is widely used all over the world. With the development of global economy, English has become an important communicative language; fluency in spoken English will become an essential key around the world. Although many of students are good at reading and writing, their oral ability is weak. Therefore, in this increasingly fierce competitive market, English speaking ability in English teaching has become an important part. But now English oral teaching is not in good situation,there are several problems as follows:
  1.Factors coming from the teachers
  At present, a large number of English teachers adopt traditional teaching methods in our country. In traditional teaching classroom, it only requires students to read, write, but seldom speak and listen. What’ more, teachers usually talk too much and spend much time reading and doing written exercises, thus students do not have many chances to practice and improve their English expressiveness. There is a common phenomenon that many teachers teach vocabulary and grammar in Chinese, as a result, students often translate Chinese into English.
  In many schools, teachers’ teaching method in oral English is relatively dry. Some teachers cannot use textbook effectively and creatively, they cannot design new activities in oral English teaching, they do not want to deviate the tradition, so they cannot stimulate students’ interests in learning English. Due to teachers’ boring teaching, some students will be absent from classes, practice and communication. Teachers should change their traditional teaching concepts and adopt the modern teaching method, like student-centered, Communicative Approach can be used.
  2.Factors from students
  There is another main problem that affects students’ improvement of English oral . That is psychological barrier. Generally speaking, psychological barrier in oral English communication includes nervousness; anxiety; self-abasement; and lack of self-confidence. These are caused by being afraid of speaking English. Different learners may have different psychological barriers, and they should be noticed by teachers.
  3. Factors coming from the teaching environment
  The situational teaching in oral practice is helpful, which can develop the students’ ability of language communication. its form should also be varied as much as possible. Can be a slide show, TV, also can be using multimedia teaching.we can turn the classroom into a small stage, making students exercise and practice constantly, so that they achieve the goal of communicative English, at the same time,and they can practice oral english freely in entertainment environment, so that their interest in learning will be improved quickly.   Develop a variety of colorful activities, which can affect people’s thinking mode and human emotional responses. Therefore, the cultivation of the self-efficacy should be an important content of foreign language learning, but on pure classroom 45 minutes is difficult to receive a satisfactory effect and must be combined in outside class, complement each other, promote each other. We should actively open up the second classroom in English teaching, often design the following extracurricular activity, good results have been achieved. For example, lets the student listen to English programms, according to the text content editing the English short play, and teachers can also lead the students to take part in the English corner activity. And organize all kinds of festival English parties, at the same time, invite foreign teachers or other foreign friends to attend.
  How to solve the problems above?
  1.Arousing students’ interest
  Interest is the best teacher. At first, we should stimulate students’ interests to improve students’ English oral effectively, and help them to set a clear goal in English learning.
  2. Getting students form proper motivation
  Proper motivation has a significant effect on oral English learning. One who has proper motivation will show great interest in English learning and realize the importance of learning English. Motivation contributes to keep high expectation in success and take positive actions. Even though high school students are faced with the pressure of various tests for promotion, educators should guide them to form proper motivation in English learning, and let them realize that oral English is very important part of English learning.
  It helps to improve one’s quality, perfect oneself and plan to achieve the individual development. In terms of abroad sense, English oral relates to social responsibility, communication, and culture exchange and etc. Therefore learners should connect self-development, social responsibility, especially the development of society and human beings with English learning activities. People need to communicate with others in social life. Students who notice the relationship between learning and necessity, they will learn it actively and voluntarily.
  3. Trainng teachers
  The quality of English teachers plays an important role in oral English teaching and has direct effects on the efficiency and result of teaching.thus, improving the quality of teachers is the key to enhance teaching efficiency. English teachers should posses the innate quality of professional discipline, especially, quite good oral English teaching ability and professional knowledge of pronunciation. An excellent English teacher should be knowledgeable, what’ more, she or he can speak good American English or British English.   In order to improve the quality of English teachers, some teachers should be sent to receive advanced training, if it possible, some foreign teachers can also be invited to help the teachers with their oral English training.and they can learn a lot of good method of teaching English from them.For instance , teachers in Anshan will participate in an activity which is held in Anshan normal univeristy where they will be given a lot of courses from forgein teachers,I think this is a good way .
  4. Helping Students Overcome Their Psychological Barrier and removing anxiety of speaking English
  In fact, many students are fond of English, but they cannot speak English bravely because of they are shy and afraid of making mistakes.Teachers should encourage students to speak English as much as possible and not pay attention to the grammar too much when they speak English. Sometimes they should put grammar aside. If students make mistakes about grammar in oral English, it doesn’t matter ,in oral English expression and practice, teachers should demand students not to think in Chinese,but in English. In a word, they should free them from interfere of thinking in Chinese way.
  In conclusion,improving students’ English oral practice is an important teaching target as the above discussed. The factors affecting students’ English oral are various, the poor way of teaching; teachers’ quality; students’ psychological barrier; etc. In order to improve students’ interest in speaking, the article has put forward some strategies, such as arousing students’ English speaking practice; training teachers; helping students overcome their psychological barrier and so on. Chinese students usually show a good performance in written exam, but their communicative ability is poor, even they cannot speak simple sentences and express themselves appropriately in English. Further, most of them cannot communicate with English native speakers freely. In order to be a great person in future in society ,students should learn to improve themselves in many aspects, oral English is one of them.
摘要:作文在小学语文的教学中占据了重要的地位,可以提升学生的语文素养,有助于学生长久且持续的发展。在日常的作文实践中,教师可以利用相关的教学,激发学生的创造性思维,培养学生的想象能力。想象能力是小学生所拥有的基础能力,教师加强小学生想象能力的培养,对小学生作文实践的课堂起着积极的作用,有助于提高小学生的写作水平,擴展小学生的思维和视野,使小学生的写作水平得到升华。  关键词:小学语文;作文;想象能
摘要:农村中职学校体育体育教师在日常的体育教学工作中,必须有意识、有目的、有计划地对学生进行竞争意识的培养,这就要求体育教师必须把握当学生个性心理特征和思想品德状况,认清竞争意识的培养是体育教学目标的一个重要组成部分,并创造性地在体育课中进行对学生竞争意识的培养的方法和技巧进行探索,本文主要研究在中职体育教学中对学生竞争意识的培养的一些方法和技巧。  关键词:农村中职;体育教学;竞争意识;培养  
摘要:提高学生写作能力是小学语文教学的最终目的之一,能够反映出学生语文素养的高低。同时,培养学生的写作兴趣、提高写作教学的质量,也是间接提高小学语文教学的有效途径。小学阶段是学生培养写作能力的重要阶段,老师要提高重视,想办法激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作能力。本文主要分析目前小学语文写作教学中存在的问题,并对如何培养学生的写作兴趣和能力提出了建议。  关键词:小学语文;写作兴趣与能力;培养策略
摘要:高中政治小组合作教学的关键在于通过对学生进行小组划分,调动学生对于政治学习的兴趣,通过学生的小组合作意识,加强学生对政治知识的理解与把握。通过小组合作学习,加强学生之间、学生和老师之间的互动交流,从而加深学生对于知识的理解程度,提高学生的掌握能力。此外,明确小组成员间的分工合作,充分发挥每一个成员的优势,对于提高学习合作效果与学习效率具有极其重要的作用。  关键词:高中政治;小组合作;学习目
摘要:全面改革在教学领域不断深化,各科都在探索更高质量和更高效率的教学方法,初中地理也同样如此。对于初中地理教学来说,图像教学是一种比较合适的教学模式,能够有效地提高课堂效率。因此,教师应当不断探究如何利用图像教学建立起更高效的初中地理课堂。本文就初中地理图像教学的意义和侧重点进行了简单的论述,并提出了开展图像教学的有效策略,希望能够为初中地理教师的教学工作提供一定帮助。  关键词:初中地理;图像
摘要:在小学数学课堂上开展核心素养的教育,不仅是当前社会对数学课堂的教学要求,更是教育领域实现改革的必然需求。因此,作为一名小学数学教师,在实际的教学过程中需要及时转变自身的教学理念,将学生作为数学课堂的主体,并且将核心素养融入到数学课堂教学中,以此来为学生今后各方面的学习打下更加坚实的基础。  关键词:小学数学;核心素养;实践能力  部分学校还在学科教育工作的内容制定与实施上,忽视兴趣导向培养,
摘要:在高中数学教学中,存在多种有效的教学方法和教学模式可以应用,这其中就包括EEPO教学方式。由此,本文就针对EEPO在高中数学的行动应用,进行分析研究,具体分析了EEPO的基本概念、特点,以及具体的行动应用对策,希望对EEPO的实际应用,以及高中数学教学的进步发展,起到帮助作用。  关键词:EEPO;高中数学;教学模式  1.EEPO的基本概念  EEPO是一种教学理念和教学方法,该教学方法由
摘要:小学英语教学应注重通过生动的课堂活动来培养学生的听、说、读、写技巧,同时注意小学生对学習英语的兴趣,引导他们喜欢学习和应用英语。小学英语课程的学习与生活密切相关。教师可以通过联想的方式将英语置入特定的情境中,帮助学生以联想的方式学习,使学生掌握小学英语知识的规律性,加强学生对英语知识的全面掌握。  关键词:情景教学;情景设计;作业设计  改革以来,新课程表现出其优越性和进步,为许多课程的学习