在伦敦的晨光中,它闪耀着桔红色的光芒,重量不足一公斤,轻飘飘的,犹如虚幻的梦境。这件稀世珍宝此刻被托在手工艺人彼得·比尔灵巧的手上。他大大方方地把这件宝贝交给我,“来,拿住。”我很紧张,试着像抱婴儿那样把它搂在怀里。“那样不对,”彼得说:“你要扶住琴颈。”他表现出极大的耐心,就象一位护士小姐对待初为人父、不知所措的人。 我鼓足勇气,左手五指并拢握住琴颈,右手挪到底部托稳——我认为这样的姿势既安全又牢靠。这就是第一次,也是仅有的一次机会,使我得以真真切切地接触到斯特拉底伐利小提琴。 这把名叫吉布森的小提琴约有300年的历史了。有谁能知道它到底值多少钱,这正如我们问莫扎特的奏鸣曲值多少钱。斯特拉提琴是世界上最珍贵、最炙手的乐器。自17世纪至今,它们被贩运、买卖,也曾被偷盗、贮藏。通过对最好的小提琴进行转手买卖,交易者可以获得高达7位数的利润。 这些精致的木制艺术品就象一只只易碎的蛋壳,
In the morning light of London, it shone orange light, weighing less than one kilogram, floating like an unreal dream. This rare treasure is now at the dexterity of craftsman Peter Bill. He gave me this great measure, “Come on, take hold.” I was nervous and tried to hold it in my arms like a baby. “That’s not right,” Peter said, “You have to hold your neck.” He showed great patience, like a nurse treating a first-born father and overwhelmed. I courageously courage, hold the neck together with his left hand close together, his right hand moved to the bottom hold - I think this posture is safe and secure. This is the first and only chance that I will be able to reach out to Stella DiVarie Violin. This violin named Gibson about 300 years of history. Who knows how much it costs in the end, just as we asked how much Mozart’s Sonata worth. Strata is the most precious and the most expensive instrument in the world. Since the 17th century, they have been trafficked, bought and sold, and also been stolen and stored. By trading the best violins, traders can earn up to 7 digits in profit. These exquisite wooden artwork is like a fragile egg shell,